Greetings everybody. It's been a while since i have posted on here. Read my other link for explanations as to where I've been.
This is going to be a log on my first ever use of SARMs. I plan on cutting 15lbs in the next 6 weeks. After the 6 weeks i will do a reevaluation and continue if needed. I took pics but I still trying to figure out how to upload them. They will be up shortly, however i still look pretty much like i do in my profile pic.
Age: 32
Training for 15 of the past 18 years
(trained at least 4x a week every week for past 4 years, no supplements (i was in prison))
AAS Experience:
12yrs ago: 300mg deca/600mg test E 10 weeks in 2003 when i was 19 years old
11yrs ago: 400mg deca/800mg test E 10 weeks in 2004 when i was 20 years old
5yrs ago: 350mg tren e/600mg test E 10 weeks in 2011 when i was 28 years old
4yrs ago: 50mg tren a + 75mg test prop ED 4 weeks in 2012 at 28 years old (was incarcerated mid cycle)
Current Measurements:
As of February 27th, 2016
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 238.5lbs
LBM: 205.8lbs
Fat: 32.7lbs
BF: 13.7% (Pec=8, Abs=36, Scap=13.5, Bi=3, Iliac=11, Quad=14.5, Tri=5, Kidney=20, Calf=9)
Arms:18.5" Legs:27.5" Waist:42" Shoulders:54" Hips:39" Chest:49"
Bench Press: 385lbs or 315lbs x 9 reps
Leg Press: 720lbs (540lbs x 10 or 600lbs x 6)
Pull Ups: 15 (from dead hang, no swing)
Squat: ~405lbs?
Crossfit: Can complete 17 rounds of Christines in 20 min (5 pull ups, 10 puh ups, 15 squats)
I want to lose 3-4" off my waist which should happen if i lose about 10-15lbs.
I assume i will lose some muscle.
ultimately, I would like to be about 225lbs 8%BF. Total loss of 13.5lbs (-15.2lbs fat +1.7 lbs muscle)
If i end up at 220lbs and 8%BF, I be happy. Total loss of 18.5lbs (-15.1lbs fat & 3.4lbs muscle)
SARM Cycle Info:
Enhanced Athlete Ostamuscle Ostarine MK-2866 20mg per day in the morning for 6 weeks (INCREASED TO 30.60mg*)
Enhanced Athlete Blue Ox Test Booster 3 pills in the evening (contents per pill: Ashwaghanda 150mg, Tribulus Terrestris 200mg, Longjack(Tongkat Ali) 200mg, Stinging Nettle 100mg, Magnessium Asparate 300mg, Vitamin D3 1000iu, vitamin b12 200mcg, zinc monometheionine and asparate 20mg)
PCT: Nolvadex.. have arimidex on hand if needed
I will be using the slow carb diet with a deficit of 1000 calories. My usual caloric intake is about 3800 calories. I will be taking that down to 2800. Slow carb diet, for those of you that do not know means no white carbs, or anything that can be bleached white. In other words, no pasta, rice, bread, milk, potatoes etc.. beans are okay. no fruit. lots of veggies. I used this before and i liked it. It also encourages the use of black coffee post meal to quicken digestion and lower caloric intake. I get one cheat day a week.
will train with weights 4x a week and do cardio 4-5x a week. I do not want to make this log too cluttered. If you want my training program i will post it later.
As previously stated, i have experience using steroids. This is my first time using SARMs. My life long friend is a professional competitive body builder and owner of Enhanced Athlete. He swears by the stuff and gave me some to try out. I will post every few days to update you as to the progress of my cycle. Please feel free to PM me or post a reply if you have any questions.
Wish me luck!!