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Thread: Don't combine Ostarine w Test. Competitive antagonist. Kills results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Don't combine Ostarine w Test. Competitive antagonist. Kills results

    My friend and I have been running 400mg test 6 weeks. Both of us have ran 15+ cycles each. Both 33-35yrs old. Both Experienced 10+ years lifting hard.

    Both of us were getting great results on 400mg cyp and decided to throw ostarine in the mix after reading that it's good to combine with test on a post about sarms on *****************. Before we did this, I had wondered if the SARM would plug the receptor and compete with the test lessening test's effects. I had in fact posted here in this forum asking if other members had experience doing this. A few people said it should be fine both here and on ************.

    Turns out, my theory was right.

    Two weeks after 20mg per day of ostarine being the only change, our strength fell flat, lost weight and visible size in both of us. Diet and workout on point. No changes other than the ostarine.

    From what felt like great results on 400mg went to feeling like I was on a sub trt dose of test in days.

    Both of us noticed increased DHT and estrogen sides. My friend had a nipple gyno flare up and my hair all the sudden is taking a beating. Took about 4 days to notice the decreasing effects of the test.

    We're both going to drop the ostarine immediately and see what happens. Hopefully this bounces back soon.
    I'll post an update in a few days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Took about 3 days to clear the ostarine from my receptors. After about 10 days I felt back to normal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I've ran both together and personally did not experience any loss in gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by billy_ba View Post
    My friend and I have been running 400mg test 6 weeks. Both of us have ran 15+ cycles each. Both 33-35yrs old. Both Experienced 10+ years lifting hard.

    Both of us were getting great results on 400mg cyp and decided to throw ostarine in the mix after reading that it's good to combine with test on a post about sarms on *****************. Before we did this, I had wondered if the SARM would plug the receptor and compete with the test lessening test's effects. I had in fact posted here in this forum asking if other members had experience doing this. A few people said it should be fine both here and on ************.

    Turns out, my theory was right.

    Two weeks after 20mg per day of ostarine being the only change, our strength fell flat, lost weight and visible size in both of us. Diet and workout on point. No changes other than the ostarine.

    From what felt like great results on 400mg went to feeling like I was on a sub trt dose of test in days.

    Both of us noticed increased DHT and estrogen sides. My friend had a nipple gyno flare up and my hair all the sudden is taking a beating. Took about 4 days to notice the decreasing effects of the test.

    We're both going to drop the ostarine immediately and see what happens. Hopefully this bounces back soon.
    I'll post an update in a few days.
    I think ur rigth. I experienced the same ting last Christmas. But with lgd. I run lgd with trtdose for Two months with real good gains. Then I was preparing for heaven when I was starting 500 mg test + drol. But guess what?. I hardly gained anything. Maybe 4 pounds. No extra strength and visuals. Come on man. 500 mg test e and superdrol should kick some ass. But noway. I guess the lgd occupied the receptor. Gear was pharma and I cant imagine any other explanation. Im on a sarmsbridge now and I guess I will drop the ost when I start the gear. Pitty cause ostarine fix injuries. Gear Just put injuries on hold. But I guess I will continue mk677 and sr/gw cause they dont work through the androgen rec.
    Glad to hear the ostarine cleared out quick
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-25-2016 at 02:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I've ran both together and personally did not experience any loss in gains.
    I've ran OSTARINE and never experienced any noteable gains from it ever. I m not impressed at all with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post

    I've ran OSTARINE and never experienced any noteable gains from it ever. I m not impressed at all with it.
    Same story. From all the sarms ive tried, ostarine has been the biggest disapointment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    Maybe it was the source?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    it could be. just tried one ost source

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