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Thread: RCL for AI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Columbus Ohio

    RCL for AI

    I can't get real anastrozole or any other AI from my source. Can anyone PM me with a trusted RCL I can use for an AI. Are these liquids any good?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarab30
    I can't get real anastrozole or any other AI from my source. Can anyone PM me with a trusted RCL I can use for an AI. Are these liquids any good?
    1) Asking for sources will only get you scammers advertising their own con sites
    2) Asking for sources is against forum rules and will get you banned. Please read the stickies for how to conduct a source check, we had very specific rules to follow for your benefit.
    3) The site sponsor (who I won't name because I'm not positive they're still the site sponsor) has everything you'd ever need for AI's. PM a moderator for more details

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Columbus Ohio
    What's the best way to contact a moderator? Yea I'm new to this forum and want to follow the rules but also want some good info and feedback. Just started my 2nd cycle ever test/deca/dbol and wanted to get on an AI and am going to pick a RCL friday and order. Thanks Boisebeast.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarab30
    What's the best way to contact a moderator? Yea I'm new to this forum and want to follow the rules but also want some good info and feedback. Just started my 2nd cycle ever test/deca/dbol and wanted to get on an AI and am going to pick a RCL friday and order. Thanks Boisebeast.
    No problem man. Skim through the posts in the anabolic steroid section and it won't take long to find a mod. Once you do you can just send them a PM

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