Quite useful video!
Quite useful video!
I'm glad I only watched 3 minutes of that
That moustache is unforgiveable.
For those who couldn't be ar$ed to watch all the way through...
A guy with dirty underpants, hanging out of his window, SHOUTS 'Drugs are bad mmkay' for 30 mins
You probably talking about some other video. Beats me why you say hes on his underpants, not even going to comment why you think they are dirty.
In this videos he is specifically talking about SARMs, not drugs in general. Maybe you should read a bit more about this subjects before trying to watch something, that clearly you dont understand.
People, dont listen to anybody. Is Jerry Brainum God?. Is he Trump?..Sarms/no sarms?...big question ey?...u do years of studies, ey??
for gods sake....try for your self...it only cost 2 months of your life...then u will have the final answer. And better..if they work for u.
Do preworkout and postworkout bloods. And log gains in strength, size, bodyfat and strength. Then u will now. Im sick of this and its not the test/tren talking.
Im sick of this endless sarms discussions.
Try it and stop looking up youtube sarms vids.
Again Rich Piana is rigth. Fukk the experts...do glutamin work, creatin...HIT?...Tbol?..does Tbol lower natty test production?..does it work...ey ey ey ey???...man..try it...few weeks!!..find out for yourself...dont listen to the Internet and socaled experts...read Vets and mods.
U see these guns?...they are not the results from good tips from the vets...No man, they are a result of trying and failing.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-18-2016 at 07:24 AM.
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