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Day 4:
Today is exciting because I finally got into the gym and effects are beginning to make themselves apparent..I would say that the things I am about describe could still clinically be a placebo, but I'm thinking this stuff is going to turn out to be real..15mg taken at 10am and another 15mg taken at 10pm..One thing that is beginning to seem apparent is that wthin 2 hours of dosing I "feel" the RAD significantly more than say 8 or 10 hours later...However, this may level out as the drug builds up in the blood stream..I also realise that 30mg is a pretty big daily amount, and as far as logs go I may be wading thru uncharted territory somewhat. Alrighty here we go -
Mirror: I chose this one first because its the one that I have nothing to report. In fact, I look pretty watery/flabby...However, about two hours after I dose I seem to dry up a bit for an hour or two..but only in a way I noticed. I've learned from close to a decade of training/dieting that I am pretty high aromatizing and anything much over 100grams of carbs(75 really) lends me to hold quite a bit of water..Its nothing for my weight to flucuate 5-8 pounds over the span of a week...Considering this, and as I am currently sitting at a pretty high bf%,(20ish%) it will probably take some time to see any dramatatic effects to the naked eye, if they happen at all!
Mental: Occasionally I get little bursts of anxiety. But other than that I am my normal chatty, happy, self. I am feeling more confident today than I have in quite some time. For instance, I resumed a confrontation with someone without worry, when just last week the subject brought me worry. It felt totally natural to call my friend out on some BS hes been doing, where as last week I kind of beat around the issue...I'm still experiencing an ease to tip over to irritability or anger, mainly in the first few hours of the day...Today at the store I had this surge of feeling as though everyone was moving too slow and getting in my way and I could feel anger rising..This happens occasionally, but it seems to be a bit more frequent and a bit more intense in the last four days..it truely is the very first effect I noticed. But the one effect that makes me think this stuff is active...My libido magically cranked from like a 3 to a 7 today! As I said above, the stupid medication I take daily really has diminished my natty libido over three years...Sometimes a month will go by where I'll look at hot girls and know that they should create a "spark" but nothings there..In the case of sex or porn sometimes I feel like I'm going thru the motions..then itll reappear for a few weeks only to disappear..So the fact that all of the sudden I've turned the wolf eye back on all the does running around the gym is pretty significant to me! Maybe I wont even need this Tadalafil! I'm not at the level I was 10 years ago, but today is the first time in perhaps a month that I've felt a strong sexual desire..Again, my expectations of the RAD to work could be just as easily causing this..But I am actually afraid of shutdown and a complete loss of libido, so I dont think its that either. What else mentally.. I just feel strong..Like I could easily go back to the gym for a second round today..
Somatic: Not a whole lot..I got hot af at my buds house, but thats because it was hot af at his house. There seems to be a good pump with stuff at the gym, or in my legs while I'm biking..today at the gym I had a nice pump after the first couple sets..It's not like a carb-pump, which to me feels like the muscle is a balloon being over inflated and increases in size..The pumps I experienced today felt more like the muscle tighening and getting harder and denser the more I used it...By the time I got home the pump had left...So no permapump, not yet at least.
Prerformance: Saved this one for last because its the most exciting..Off the rip, I went into the gym, took last weeks 7 rep max(true failure at 7) and promptly lifted it ten times. I ended up hitting my 8rep max after I added an additional ten pounds to last weeks 7rm. For all the other exercises I did I probably added 10% in weight across the board. If this is an indicator of the future, it's looking like this stuff is going to shine in the strength department. I was taken aback by how much lighter last weeks weights felt to me today! Also, great stamina, when it was time to leave I felt like I could easily keep going. But I had commitments..I hit the gym at 1pm and its now 1am and DOMs has alreadyt began to set in in my chest and triceps! Also my left shoulder has a tendency to act up and sometimes it leads me to quit a chest workout early..I had no problems today...towards the end, my rotator cuff reminded me to be careful, but no pain or problems today...And on the bench and incline I was bringing the elbows way past paralell, stopping with the bar a half inch over my sternum..
So there it is..Early indicators of the RAD-140 doing what it is supposed to..I am excited to see where I'm at a week from today..
I will log developments as the arise, but for the sake of not becoming overly redundant I may report back every few days..Unless you guys think it will be better to be that thorough that I have 30 entries for 30 days. I'm not sure about posting pictures, I have quite alot of identifiable tattoos including a huge rocker across my stomach..I'll think on it, but I definitely want to get bloddwork done on week four to see how supressed I am.