It appears that most rad 140 comes as 10 mg/ml. Has anyone figured out proper dosing yet. Most articles say 0.3 - 30 mg. Another source recommends 20 to 30 mg per day. Some peopleare running it at just 10 mg per day. Thoughts?
It appears that most rad 140 comes as 10 mg/ml. Has anyone figured out proper dosing yet. Most articles say 0.3 - 30 mg. Another source recommends 20 to 30 mg per day. Some peopleare running it at just 10 mg per day. Thoughts?
Throw it in the trash.
Get some test C or test E.
I should have seen that one coming. I was just trying to see what everyones experience was with it. I am preferential to tren myself . . . Although its been a few years.
Well i have tried it and started with it yesterday actually. 10 mg because it is pretty expensive. When i ran 10 mg last time it worked ok. I use it for weelbeing purposes when running other sarms. Tried to stack with superdrol but then it became to weak at 10 mg. Possible 30 mg would have been better. I guess 20 mg is fine and if it wasnt for the money i probably would have run 20 mg stacked with LGD to prepare for an aascycle coming up.
Only you Sil...Originally Posted by Silabolin
You run a cycle to prepare for a cycle.
I really don't understand people's belief in SARMS and prohormones being safe or better than AAS.
Please dont write the words prohormones and SARMSs in the same sentence.
Look, im blasting anadrol, and tren and dbol and u name it the 6 last weeks of this year. Only six weeks cause its dangerous ofcourse. But six weeks is a motherfokking short boring cycle. But i cant run more aas. What to do then?
Yes, why not add in 4-5 weeks with 250 sus and some effective sarms. Then you got yourself a fullblown 12 weeks anabolic cycle almost with just 6 of them pushing your health. And supergains at the end. First month u grow no matter what u use.
Sarms safe?...well, havent seen very bad bloodwork from sarms yet. Just the shutdown and cholestrol. No shitty BP, hct, triglycerides, PSA, e2, prolactin, alat, asat, creatinine, acne, hairloss etc
But man i have seen some real real bad bloods from aas. Hct 60+ on another board, wonder if he is stil alive today...
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-04-2016 at 07:13 AM.
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