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Thread: Bioscience SARMS?

  1. #1

    Question Bioscience SARMS?

    I'm currently in Malaysia and I'm in between cycles (My next one is going to be on March). So I'm thinking of buying SARMS as a way to bridge between cycles.

    Came across this lab - Bioscience. I was wondering if any of you guys have tried their stuff before? The packaging seems legit, just wanna know if the product is legit and pure as well.

    Here's a picture of their MK-677:
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	170974

  2. #2
    SARMS are suppressive.
    Using them to "bridge" between cycles will stop your HPTA from recovering.

    side note: mk-677 is not a SARM and could be used betwwen cycles or during cycles

  3. #3
    If you can, buy from enhanced athlete, I might get hate for this but I use EA and I know that their sarms are legit and the prices are great. Mk677 is not a sarm, it is a growth hormone secretagogue. You can use it between cycles to bridge and I've heard of people running Ostarine (mk2866) as a bridge because it's suppression is very mild.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    SARMS are suppressive.
    Using them to "bridge" between cycles will stop your HPTA from recovering.

    side note: mk-677 is not a SARM and could be used betwwen cycles or during cycles
    Noted. Yeah I'm actually planning to use the two "SARMS" that aren't actually SARMS: MK-677 (GH Secretagogue) and GW-501516 (PPAR). I ended up buying from Pure Science Labs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dauntless View Post
    If you can, buy from enhanced athlete, I might get hate for this but I use EA and I know that their sarms are legit and the prices are great. Mk677 is not a sarm, it is a growth hormone secretagogue. You can use it between cycles to bridge and I've heard of people running Ostarine (mk2866) as a bridge because it's suppression is very mild.
    I tried to purchase from their site but for some odd reason, my card's not going through. That's why I searched for other local sources here in Malaysia. EA was actually my first choice. I ended up buying from Pure Science Labs, have you guys heard of this company? Can't seem to find any reviews on them. Here's a picture of their MK-677:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1.jpg 
Views:	593 
Size:	11.0 KB 
ID:	170997

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