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Thread: SARMs, BW, and what to do? Interesting results

  1. #1
    Fiskevatten's Avatar
    Fiskevatten is offline Member
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    SARMs, BW, and what to do? Interesting results

    Yo guys!

    Can be interesting for anyone wanting to run SARMs as well, since many are confused if it affects hormones - Yes!
    As well as what Arimistane do to hormones as AI.

    So I ran an experiment with SARMs for 3 months more or less containing:
    - MK2866 20mg
    - GW501516 20mg
    - MK677 20mg
    - LGD4066 10mg
    - RAD140 12mg

    Was a stack in 2 pills if anyone wonder about the odd combination. My thoughts was to see if I could kickstart my receptors and of course have a go at something new.
    The product came highly reviewed, but I didn't feel anything in regards to mood, energy, libido, fatloss, hunger or the like. However, I did become truly strong, actually
    in par with older AAS cycles which was amazing!

    During this I took liversupport of Tudca/ Udca, a libido stack to increase free T with a combination of Arimistane (since I had really high E2 to begin with), and
    a bunch of greens in various forms (cooked and in powder form smoothie).

    Before the start I had:
    - Testosterone 19 nmol/L
    - E2 162 pmol/L
    - SHBG 38nmol/L
    - TSH 2.6 mE/L
    - LH 5.3 E/L
    - T4 15 pmol/L

    (All other values from lipids, blood, kidneys, liver etc normal)

    *During cycle I got a lot of cysts on my back which was worse than AAS use.

    Now 2 weeks after the cycle I feel the same, a little loss of strength (not much) and still cysts, but smaller - lots of scars as a trophy that needs laser.
    My hope with Arimistane was to lower the E2 and I guess it has, but I had to use a lot (60mg daily).

    Current BW (today) - Couldn't get the same comprehensive check, so:
    - Testosterone 11 nmol/L
    - SHBG 18.9 nmol/L
    - E2 117 pmol/L
    - Cortisol 529 nmol/L
    - T4 15 pmol/L
    - T3 5.1 pmol/L
    - TSH 3.1 mIE/L

    Warnings (liver):
    - ASAT 1.09 ukat/L
    - ALAT 2.43 ukat/L

    (All other values from lipids, blood, kidneys, bloodsugar etc normal)

    I know it's just two weeks, but:
    - Testosterone is lower and E2 still high (granted, lower)
    - Liver is inflammed/ damaged

    I now bought besides milk thistle (which has worked on me before):

    Mucuna Pruriens Extract
    Anacyclus Pyrethrum
    Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract
    Saw Palmetto
    N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic Acid - NMDA

    ATD 1,4,6-AndroStatriene-3.17-dione
    Anastrozole 1mg
    Epimedium Extract
    Bulbine Natalensis
    Saw Palmetto Extract
    Mucuna Pruriens
    N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic Acid - NMDA
    Grape Seed Extract
    Vitmaine D3

    These sounded promising and takes a day delivery, and as you can see the second one contains Anastrozole 1mg.
    Anything else would take a week or two and cost twice as much.

    So, how should I go about this? Take above as recommended on the bottle? Wait and order something else in a few weeks?
    I wanna at least bring E2 down some more and hopefully balance hormones out so I don't have cysts all the time (I am not prone to cysts normally).

  2. #2
    Fiskevatten's Avatar
    Fiskevatten is offline Member
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    Thanks man! I thought this thread scared anyone from answering, especially since most seem rather
    uncertain regarding SARMs .
    As it seems/ feels now, I have nothing that I didn't have before the SARMs except the different BW values and smaller cysts.

    I guess I didn't get legit Arimistane then, I have two cans from two sources, but neither seems to change
    my E2 anymore than I have manage to receive (117 in 3 months from 162).
    Unfortunately, Customs seized my Adex, so I am looking for possibly buy Aromasin since I need to wait regardless.
    Not sure if I should maybe get some regular PCT supplies since I am not sure if my other levels will benefit from it
    at this stage.

    To be honest, I am playing around a little bit because I think I will want a legit TRT treatment in the future, but to
    get that in my country, my T levels needs to go under 7 which is crazy.
    However, that is for the next 5-10 years

  3. #3
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    Arimistane is a supplement...

    Arimidex is an actual AI.
    Aromasin is an actual AI.

    My guess is the the supplement is just pure garbage...

  4. #4
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    What brand did you use?
    What brand did Fink use?

    Are there even different brands???

    It is good to know that some supplements do work.
    Thanks for the info.
    Cylon357 likes this.

  5. #5
    Fiskevatten's Avatar
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    Hmm seems I had some bad luck then :/

    I used:
    - Revange Hardcore Alpha Male 90 Caps
    After that I tried it solo via
    - Brawn Nutrition 90 Caps

    First one was a T slash Libido enhancer and second market just as estro control supplement.
    I still have the stand alone one, but since I managed to lowed E2 by 50 in 3 months of daily usage, I doubt that I respond to it
    or it's bunk/ underdosed.
    I am tempted to increase dosage, but that would throw me at the 90mg range which is crazy high from what I am recommended.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    Hmm seems I had some bad luck then :/

    I used:
    - Revange Hardcore Alpha Male 90 Caps
    After that I tried it solo via
    - Brawn Nutrition 90 Caps

    First one was a T slash Libido enhancer and second market just as estro control supplement.
    I still have the stand alone one, but since I managed to lowed E2 by 50 in 3 months of daily usage, I doubt that I respond to it
    or it's bunk/ underdosed.
    I am tempted to increase dosage, but that would throw me at the 90mg range which is crazy high from what I am recommended.
    What were the ingredients???
    Did they contain any Arimistane which is sometimes noted as Androsta-3,5-Diene-7,17-Dione?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What were the ingredients???
    Did they contain any Arimistane which is sometimes noted as Androsta-3,5-Diene-7,17-Dione?
    Yeah both have that it seems now when I looked (Androsta-3,5-Diene-7,17-Dione)

  8. #8
    Fiskevatten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Hmm, well not all brands are created equal, I guess. Or maybe you just don't respond to the arimistane molecule like I do.

    I posted my blood work results in the hrt forum, you might be able to find them by searching for arimistane. Also, the other brand I used was VMI Sports Black Series Arimistane. I haven't used it as much as Elim1nate, but that might just be because the Elim1nate is / was in front.
    Appreciate it
    I did what I was scared about, I increased it to 90 before sleep and I upped one more tab of the natural T-booster I had at home:
    Mucuna Pruriens Extract
    Anacyclus Pyrethrum
    Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract
    Saw Palmetto
    N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic Acid - NMDA

    My cysts has stopped being inflammed and seems to calm down, mostly scars now.
    It does affect libido negatively (can still get it up, but aint feeling it).
    Strength is down, but I am on a high protein low carb diet, so can be that.

    In other words, it might be lowering my E2 quicker now and since my body is used to the high amount I bet, it does cause some other side effect.
    I will try it a few days more to see effect and then take a new BW in 2 weeks time.

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