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Thread: Reality of NFL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Reality of NFL

    If you look at all the players who test positive for steroids, its pretty funny how they never come back in the next year any smaller. Yet the NFL says that when they do test positive, they are tested about 12x per year for the rest of thier careers.

    Chris Cooper (Lineman)tested positive for steroids in 2003 at a bodyweight of 275. He is currently playing at a bodyweight of 285 for the 49ers.

    Dana Stubblefield (DL)tested positive for steroids at a bodyweight of 290 in 2003. He played in 1994 at a bodyweight of 320.

    Bill Romanowski (LB) tested positive for steroids at bodyweight of 245 in 2003. He played since at least 1999 at bodyweight of 245.

    Barrett Robbins (OL)tested positive for steroids in 2003 at 320. He played at bodyweight of 320 since at least 2000.

    Shawn Springs (DB)tested positive for steroids in 2001 at bodyweight of 195. He played this season at 204. So, he got bigger, and still beat the 12x per year test for 3 years.

    Ray Buchanon(DB) tested positive for steroids in 2002 at bodyweight of 185. Ben Johnson the sprinter that tested positive for steroids, that won a gold medal in 1988 Soul olympics was a wiry 5-10 3/4 at bodyweight of only 173. This shows that steroids are just as important for players that need a lot of speed.
    If you have players that only weigh 185 or less on steroids, what does that say about all the players over 220 that can still run 4.4 40s?

    Frank Wycheck (TE)tested positive in 1994 for steroids. He retired recently, played in last season at 253. 10 years known to previosly use steroids, not losing any weight, but still playing.

    Jim Miller quarterback,(QB) tested positive for steroids in 1999 while playing for bears. Why wouldn't quarterbacks use steroids?

    Jim Washburn, current D line coach for Titans was actually arrested for helping players obtain steroids before he started coaching for the Titans. He served probation and time in a halfway house. The NFL probably didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary.

    Steve Coursen age 42 sued the NFL for "not doing anything to stop his steroids use" He weighed 265-270 in his playing days. He said they helped him put on at least 35 lbs. That would be like him playing at bodyweight of around 230 at offensive lineman.

    Micheal Yessis strength coach of the Rams said that at least 75-90% of NFL players use steroids and other pharmaceuticals.

    The NFL steroid testing is completely up to the NFL to enforce. It is also completely up to them to expose whoever they want as steroid users at any time they want to whether they use the drugs or not.

    There are also other drugs that are not considered performance enhancing that are used before competition. Crack, coke, amphetamines, marijuana, PCP, players have tested positive for all these drugs, and all are used to help performance on the field.

    I don't want to focus on those drugs at all, but how many of you think that 90% or more of NFL players are on steroids after reading this? (or maybe you already knew)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    great post bro, i think that atleast 90% of nfl players have tried steriods

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great post....very tough question to answer considering that everyone in the nfl is a genetic freak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Wonder whats gonna happen with David Boston?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I truly do believe that steroid use is all over the NFL, but as far as other drugs improving play- that I don't believe. I know two dudes that both tried speed right before games, just one time, and they both said the same thing. While they were playing the game they thought they were having the game of the life. When they looked back at the tape, it was pretty poor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Also the NFL doesn't test for Insulin or IGF-1 (or related compounds) It cannot detect the use of GH, even though its banned. (these substances were used by the US Track team to increase speed since 1984 according to an article on this forum)

    These substances alone can create 20-30 lbs of solid muscle, and increase strength by god only knows how much. Aggresive steroid use can put on 40 lbs of muscle and increase strength 40% or more, so its possibly it could increase (Insulin, GH, IGF-1) strength by another 20% or more on top of the steroids.

    The steroids that are the undetectable type are modified in a way that an original drug can be created simply by manipulation of a molecule. This means that by having a sample of one steroid, a labratory can create 1,000 or more versions of the drug wich (because they are literally re-created) cannot be detected by steroid testing , unless, and until the lab that does the test has an actual sample of the original drug. Only then can it formulate a system to detect the drug. There could be hundreds of thousands of steroids wich are modified in a way that currently are undetectable.

    GH, Insulin, and IGF-1 use is effective enouph alone to change the game to a point were if you aren't on them you are dead. Lets not even get into what happens if you are competing against a naturally gifted athlete on 3-5 or more different steroids, GH, Insulin, IGF-1, supplements like creatine, hmb, methoxyflavone, who has been training all out for the past 15 years.

    So you have a sport that is dominated by fast players using GH, Insulin, Steroids, IGF-1 players who are not big but are **** fast. Players who need massive size and strength who are using all the drugs above. (lineman) Players who are running into players that are using all the above drugs on almost every play (running backs and linebackers)

    So try to think in terms of reality. It looks pretty **** impossible to compete in the NFL without these compounds.

    You wouldn't literally be ripped to shreds trying to play naturally, in reality.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Down South-west
    Interesting post. It is no accident that players continue to get bigger and better every year. There are millions and millions of dollars at stake and very few positions available. You can bet players are taking advantage of whatever is necessary to stay competitive.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    By they way

    I have read that with just 1 steroid you can increase the 100M time by 4/10 of a second. This would mean your 40 could go down by 2/10. (reation, start, and acceleration are most related to strength, and can be the phases of the sprint most improved by steroids)

    How much can you improve speed with more then one steroid, GH, Insulin and EPO, IGF-1, amphetamines, ect, ect? (and they do improve speed a hell of a lot or the olympic sprinters wouldn't be using them)

    So you take some kid who is 5-10 160 lbs running a 4.77 40, with a 200 lb bench and a 300 lb squat. Throw in 3-5 steroids, GH, IGF-1, Insulin, supplements and you have;

    a 5-10 210 kid with a 4.47 40, and a 480 lb. squat, and a 320 bench. Wait a minute there is this one guy who is 5-9 210 with a 4.4 40 and a 520 lb. squat...

    Priest Holmes!

    How many high school guys ran a 4.7 at 160 and maxed around 200 in bench? LOL

  9. #9
    hey guys listen to this, i worked out with a former NFL player for about 2 months. He told me that every good player AND starter in the NFL has taken or is currently taking steroids. He told me that steroid usage is huge and that there were many many methods they would use to get around testing. He also told me that almost all are monitored by doctors who are aware of their usage. he was also telling me how a lot of the players get GH shots. it is just crazy to think that in todays world you must be taking some sort of performance enhancer to become an elite athlete and be on the same level as all the other guys.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    That number is higher then 90% in the NFL. Just to recover from one
    sunday to the next they need it to help speed recovery and healing,
    not just for strength... Trust me, almost all of them use it, even QB's
    and Kickers... It's the name of the game and the NFL knows it along
    with all the coaches and team trainers...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    great post bro, i think that atleast 90% of nfl players have tried steriods

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    That number is higher then 90% in the NFL. Just to recover from one
    sunday to the next they need it to help speed recovery and healing,
    not just for strength... Trust me, almost all of them use it, even QB's
    and Kickers... It's the name of the game and the NFL knows it along
    with all the coaches and team trainers...


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    No doubt higher then 90%, more like 97%+

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by BP85
    LMAO! haha, those must be some mean ass kickers!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yep that's about right my guess is 95% + or -

    My best friend of 20 years sister dated a 1st round draft pick
    and a few other NFL Pros, so I have a good idea from a few
    talks, let alone what is clear to me from my experience that
    they are all almost using... They have to, if you ever meet
    and talk to one of these guys honestly, they'll tell you they
    can hardly move a muscle until the wed/thur after sunday
    games... Without using anabolics their recovery would be
    even longer then that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Gottabejuiced
    No doubt higher then 90%, more like 97%+

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    how about zach thomas, 5'11 245lbs?!?!??!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Of course he's on... Are you kidding??? Size and weight is not the
    point... All those guys, especially Linemen and LB's and RB's need
    to recover in under a week after every game they beat the **** out
    of their bodies... They have to use, they have no choice... Zack is
    a naturaly undersized Middle LB and uses them and needs too..

    Just like the Eagles Mark Simoneau is a naturally smaller guy and
    this pass offseason added about 20lbs-25lbs to his frame... How
    do you think that happened??? He finished last year at a weight
    of about 210-215lbs and came in this year at around 240lbs solid..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    how about zach thomas, 5'11 245lbs?!?!??!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It's not just the size/strength issue in the NFL it's also the recovery issue...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    so how does everyone get around the steriod tests? or only the retards get caught?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Listen, maybe I know more then the average guy does...
    I know a MLB player and long story short know more then
    a few... There are 2 companies one that recently was on
    the local radio who has been in business for 18 years and
    their only purpose is to help Professional Athletes pass
    drug tests... It's a fact and as the CEO and Owner of the
    company stated very clearly if they weren't able to do it
    do you think they'd be in business for 18 years...

    Do some research and then get back to me on it... I know
    exactly how they get around it and also incase you don't
    know in the NFL they usually give fair notice as to who is
    going to be tested and they do so for a reason... Only the
    stupid ones get caught and test positive...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    so how does everyone get around the steriod tests? or only the retards get caught?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    BTW guy anabolics have been a major interest of mine for over
    12+ years anything and everything I can read or research about
    the subject I do... It along with a few other different subjects are
    my favorite things in the world to learn more about... I knew about
    EPO and many other compunds before they hit mainstream media
    with all this Bal*o ****... I like to stay informed... Sounds like you
    somehow thing that NFL players are natural or alot of them are???

    Well you would be wrong about that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    so how does everyone get around the steriod tests? or only the retards get caught?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Average size of an Offensive lineman in the 70's was 255lbs!
    This 300+lbs on lineman is amazing! What's next 400lbers????

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Everyone is doubt...but it may make you bigger,faster,stronger but at the same time its not all there is to football. If that was the case anyone that is big would be a football player...Some intangables cannot be bought with use of anything....You think Brock Lesnar is small? Being big is a great start,but there's a hell of a lot more to it then just lifting weights and hitting people.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    A lot of it boils down to the fact that 90% of high school players didn't use steroids, so they had almost no chance of going to DI. If you really break it down, the odds of going pro increase greatly if you start steroids at around 16. If you haven't started by the age of 19 you have almost no chance of going pro. Its a matter of competition between the guys on steroids, the ones not on steroids are invalids.

    If they were all truly 100% natural, I can't even imagine what the game would look like can you?

    And, they did have testoserone back in the 1930s, don't forget that. Look at all the records that were broken in weightlifting in the 1940s, due to testosterone being easier to obtain.

    So it wouldn't even be at the level it was in the 1940s if they were all clean...
    Last edited by Mr. Gottabejuiced; 01-21-2005 at 01:31 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Buff 87;

    What are some of the ways they pass the tests? PM me if you want.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    buff, my friends who played ncaa ball said for ncaa regulations they would not be notified in advance and guy would watch them pee into the cup. i just thought that this was same policy in nfl.

  26. #26
    yeah ncaa you need a day notice im almost certain of

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    in the NFL, maybe recently changed, u only had to stay within a certain test ratio to not test positive. they dont test for specific drugs. and ive recently heard roughly 70% of all NFL uses performance enhancing/recreational drugs.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    There are ways around that one... Trust me... I know people too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    buff, my friends who played ncaa ball said for ncaa regulations they would not be notified in advance and guy would watch them pee into the cup. i just thought that this was same policy in nfl.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Unless you're talking about passing a test for sports performance drugs
    I don't really want to get into it, anyone can research how to beat the
    normal 6 thru 10 drug category screen that's the norm for most tests...

    No offense...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Gottabejuiced
    Buff 87;

    What are some of the ways they pass the tests? PM me if you want.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Steroid test

    Buff 87

    I am talking about how to beat a test for NFL steroids only. I am trying to see what drugs I can take. I want to do Halotestin, and Anavar really bad, as well as Testoserone.

    And I am thinking some really heavy cycles...

    This is all being planned for the next year and a half.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Just curious now bro.. You play for the NFL and don't know how too?
    Your trainer should know the whole deal bro come one I wasn't born
    yesterday, maybe a week ago, but seriously you have to be kidding?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Gottabejuiced
    Buff 87

    I am talking about how to beat a test for NFL steroids only. I am trying to see what drugs I can take. I want to do Halotestin, and Anavar really bad, as well as Testoserone.

    And I am thinking some really heavy cycles...

    This is all being planned for the next year and a half.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Actually nevermind, its better this info is kept offline LOL

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