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Thread: Tribulus Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Tribulus Question

    I know most folks are recommending Trib at 4 to 5 grams a day. But, what standariation are you referring to at 4 to 5 grams? Meaning....if the Trib is 40% at 500 mgs....then how many pills at 500 mgs at 40% standarized will I need? From my viewpoint I am thinking I will need 40% X 500 = 200mgs of actual trib thus I need 4000/200 = 20 pills. Is that accurate or do I simply need 4000/500 = 8 pills...regardless of the standarized portion?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    mine are 625 mgs, 40% saponins,i take 4 pills twice a day=5 g's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdawg
    mine are 625 mgs, 40% saponins,i take 4 pills twice a day=5 g's
    how does that work for you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i posted this on the supplement forum to a similar post:-

    (quote)"i have used twinlabs tribulus extreme,sopharma's tribestan and thermolife's tribosten.

    all contain min 20 %protodioscin saponin,this is the specific saponin shown to raise LH levels.

    i would recommend any of these and was recently told that nutrex's vitrex also contained 20% protodioscin although i have not tried this personally.

    many companies claim a high furostanol or steroidal saponin % but are reluctant to state the protodioscin %.

    these trib supps are more expensive as they are a concentrated extract not raw herb which many companies push and imo a waste of money."

    i use the recomended dosage of 2 (250mg tabs) 3 times per can be reduced to 1 tab 3 times per day although i stick to the higher dose during pct.

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