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Thread: How to eat for less money???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth

    How to eat for less money???

    Bros, I have been spending uncanny amounts of money on food since I joined this board and everyone started telling me "eateateateateat." Since that's what I've been doing, I've also been spending ridiculous amounts of money on food. Typically I have an egg white smoothie in the morning, a few sandwiches over the course of the day, and some sort of dinner (tuna, rice, chicken, or whatever at my apartment). Also, there are a lot of snacks mixed in and a couple protein shakes. Anyway, I really need to find a way to eat for less money. I started going to Wendy's more often and getting the small chili and a burger from the 99 cent menu, because I think 2 bucks is less than what I normally spend on dinner. Anyway, do you guys have any recommendations on nutritious stuff that's dirt cheap?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    oh man, i'll agree with you! i'm little and i still spend over $250 a month on just food, that's not including my supps! Guess it's a good thing i gave up beer! As far as cheap food goes, I buy chicken in those 20 pound bags of chix breasts at places like "sams club" and i found a chicken farmer to buy eggs from at $0.30 a dozen! If something is on sale, like frozen veggies, i'll buy as many as i can fit in my guess i try not to think about now..obsess obsess obsess

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    LMAO! $250? That is NOTHING! I'm talking over $500 per month!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I think you get more out of your money if you make big pots with food that lasts a couple of days. It´s also better then a burger. Tuna cans are cheap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by palme
    I think you get more out of your money if you make big pots with food that lasts a couple of days. It´s also better then a burger. Tuna cans are cheap.
    I agree, i make huge 5Gal. pots of beans and stew when bulking that last me a while. It saves a lot of time in meal preperation as well.

    Cutting, I eat the exact same thing everyday and calories are slightly reduced so grocery bill is not as steep.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    This is an awesome thread! I remember when my trainer had me go from 2-3 meals a day to 6... I hit the grocery store and crapped myself when I reached the register and saw my bill!

    Now I stick to Sam's Chicken breasts (marinated ones, so I just throw em in the microwave and I'm good to go), get sliced up turkey meat for snacking, some yogurts for those sweet cravings, chicken in a can for emergency meal, order my whey protein online (much cheaper than local stores), same with all supps, and LOTS of crystal light!

    Bill now sits around 200/month...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    lol i told ya i was little....lmao $500 a month!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    I am on a 3500 calorie a day DIET! Yes I said diet! My maintenance calories is around 4000. I am trying to drop some bf! Anyhow, $500 is easily done. I just spend all night Sunday evening preparing the weeks meals by making large bowls of brown rice, chicken, and cooking tons of sweet potatoes. To me the easy part is paying for my meals. The hard part is making time to consume them!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    What you drive out to the country. Find a chicken farmers ranch...wait till all the lights in the house go out. Sneak into the chicken coop, break a few necks, put them in a bag. In another bag gather all the eggs you see.

    Step two: get in your car, drive to the neighboring dairy farmers ranch, slip a noose over the biggest cows head you can find, snap it, and then tie the other end of the rope to your bumper.

    Now once you get home, you have beef, chicken and eggs for at least a week or two. Then you just do it all over again.

    Therefore, all your out is what it costs for supps and protein powders. My bill sits at about 100/month...

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