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Thread: Dbol, Tren E, Test E, Equipoise, Winny cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Dbol, Tren E, Test E, Equipoise, Winny cycle

    how would one construct and effective 16 week cycle with these compunds - got to be a killer cycle - anyone run all this at once and if so what were the results

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    with eq and winny i would ne be running d-bol. i woul do somthing like this.

    1-4 test prop 150mg eod
    1-16 test-e 500mg
    1-14 eq 400mg
    14-18 winny 50mg day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    does frontloading with prop add wiegt as quickly as Dbol ? - so am i right in thinking with this cycle i would put on atleast 14 lbs and stay very lean

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    im in 5th week of similar run.
    1-4 50mg DBOL split 4 times daily
    1-12 500mg EQ week
    1-13 Test E 750mg week
    3-15 Tren A 75mg ED
    1-15 10mg Nolvadex ED

    Up 13 pounds with no bloat, vacularity is already insane even tho EQ hasnt realy kicked in yet.

    I am going to do IGF-1 LR3 starting next Monday for 4 weeks and again for PCT.
    Hoping to gain 25-30 total pounds and keep most

  5. #5
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrock38
    im in 5th week of similar run.
    1-4 50mg DBOL split 4 times daily
    1-12 500mg EQ week
    1-13 Test E 750mg week
    3-15 Tren A 75mg ED
    1-15 10mg Nolvadex ED

    Up 13 pounds with no bloat, vacularity is already insane even tho EQ hasnt realy kicked in yet.

    I am going to do IGF-1 LR3 starting next Monday for 4 weeks and again for PCT.
    Hoping to gain 25-30 total pounds and keep most

    Wow thats a big cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the cycle i just came off of.. w/o winny though.. dont see the need for it..

    1 - 4 Prop 75mg ED
    1 - 15 Enan 750mg /wk
    1 - 14 EQ 600mg /wk
    1 - 12 Tren E 400mg /wk
    15-18 Prop 100mg ED
    1 - 18 Letro 1.25mg EOD
    1 - 18 Nolva 10mg ED

    I'll be doing the same thing next time except...

    1000mg cyp instead of enanthate
    850mg eq
    500mg tren
    maybe drop the prop and use dbol 1-4 cause i hate ed shots.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    the cycle i just came off of.. w/o winny though.. dont see the need for it..

    1 - 4 Prop 75mg ED
    1 - 15 Enan 750mg /wk
    1 - 14 EQ 600mg /wk
    1 - 12 Tren E 400mg /wk
    15-18 Prop 100mg ED
    1 - 18 Letro 1.25mg EOD
    1 - 18 Nolva 10mg ED

    I'll be doing the same thing next time except...

    1000mg cyp instead of enanthate
    850mg eq
    500mg tren
    maybe drop the prop and use dbol 1-4 cause i hate ed shots.
    thats some powerful did that work for ya

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    does frontloading with prop add wiegt as quickly as Dbol ? - so am i right in thinking with this cycle i would put on atleast 14 lbs and stay very lean
    prop does not need to be frontloaded..only long acting ethers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    thats some powerful did that work for ya
    I think that cycle is perfect for someone who deosnt like to shoot ed or eod. So the 3 main compounds are e3d so it worked well for me. i put size on everywhere but weight remained the same. I dropped bf% also but havent been remeasured yet..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    prop does not need to be frontloaded..only long acting ethers
    the idea behind the prop week 1-4 is to kick start the other long acting esters.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    the cycle i just came off of.. w/o winny though.. dont see the need for it..

    1 - 4 Prop 75mg ED
    1 - 15 Enan 750mg /wk
    1 - 14 EQ 600mg /wk
    1 - 12 Tren E 400mg /wk
    15-18 Prop 100mg ED
    1 - 18 Letro 1.25mg EOD
    1 - 18 Nolva 10mg ED

    I'll be doing the same thing next time except...

    1000mg cyp instead of enanthate
    850mg eq
    500mg tren
    maybe drop the prop and use dbol 1-4 cause i hate ed shots.
    You no the prop week 15-18 - could Dbol be added for 3 weeks near the end of a cycle or would it just be a waste ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    I think that cycle is perfect for someone who deosnt like to shoot ed or eod. So the 3 main compounds are e3d so it worked well for me. i put size on everywhere but weight remained the same. I dropped bf% also but havent been remeasured yet..
    You didnt put on any weight at all ?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    the idea behind the prop week 1-4 is to kick start the other long acting esters.
    i know..he would only need to frontload something like test e if prop wasn't in the equation at all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    does frontloading with prop add wiegt as quickly as Dbol ? - so am i right in thinking with this cycle i would put on atleast 14 lbs and stay very lean
    no it wont give you as much wieght as the d-dol. but the d-bol is mostly water. the prop will get your test levels up faster and get you gaining qt muscle quicker.

    my cycle
    1-4 test prop 150eod
    1-14 test c 600mg
    1-14 eq 600mg
    3-18 tren 150 eod
    14-18 prop 150 eod

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    well iv nearly finished 12 week 500mg Sus 400mg Deca 4 week Dbol and adding Winny for 4 weeks to make whole cycle 14 + PCT

    So what would you guys suggest for the next cycle ?

    Iv heard good things about Test E, also EQ, im egar to try tren too so nxt cycle im want to do a good stack dont wanna go other 750mg of test per week tho. id like to gain as much weight as possible still staying lean

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    how would one construct and effective 16 week cycle with these compunds - got to be a killer cycle - anyone run all this at once and if so what were the results
    You could do it like this:

    1-4 Dbol
    1-16 Test E
    1-15 EQ
    1-12 Tren E
    13-18 Winny

    I've never ran more than 3 compounds at once.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    You didnt put on any weight at all ?
    nope.. no weight at all. why the shock to everyone way i say that.. i was 17% on the cycle before last and i started at 208 and ended at 208 yet my bf dropped 6%. do you have any idea how that looks?? thsi cycle my arms went up 2 inches, legs 2 inches, calves 1.5 inches, waist dropped 3 inches, chest i cant remember exactly but its much bigger especially upper chest and shoulders and back blew up. weight is just a number on a scale dont get caught up in it unless you are single digit bf and eating clean. i ate so clean it was unreal for 4 months straight. if i wanted to pack on20lbs i could have along with some body fat too.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Damn that's over kill. I've done 6-7 cycle ans am going with test/tren enan with eq


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I think all my cycles after this will be Test prop and tren A for 8 weeks each, seeing how ED shots are involved. This is my first run with tren and im starting to feel like a

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    nor cal
    i'm going to run something similar to the one you described in first post.

    anadrol 50-100mg ed 1-4
    test e 1000mg 1-16
    tren e 600mg 1-16
    eq 600-800mg 1-17
    winny 50mg ed 17-21
    test prop 15-19

    it's going to be one hell of a cycle. contimplating switching anadrol for prop first 4 weeks @100mg ed. going to run winny 2 weeks past test due to one of johan's posts about pct. by going 2 weeks past test should eliminate some of the estrogen rebound is what i think he said since winny doesn't aromatize and therefore lowering estrogen, start regular pct day after last winny. i'll have to look for the post i think it was just 2 weeks ago. i liked his view on the pct this way so i'll try it once and if it doesn't help then i'll continue the more traditional way of pct. i like the idea of orals because of the weight gain and then then cutters to clean up the gains last 12 weeks of cycle. but like most have said in previous post 2 orals in one cycle is going to be hard on liver and kidneys. personally i would go with the dbols if i were you but that's my opinion. get your liver values checked for sure if you run 2 orals.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    nope.. no weight at all. why the shock to everyone way i say that.. i was 17% on the cycle before last and i started at 208 and ended at 208 yet my bf dropped 6%. do you have any idea how that looks?? thsi cycle my arms went up 2 inches, legs 2 inches, calves 1.5 inches, waist dropped 3 inches, chest i cant remember exactly but its much bigger especially upper chest and shoulders and back blew up. weight is just a number on a scale dont get caught up in it unless you are single digit bf and eating clean. i ate so clean it was unreal for 4 months straight. if i wanted to pack on20lbs i could have along with some body fat too.
    thats some impressive results. nothing wrong with not gaining weight, because you were gaining lean muslce mass and dropping fat. i would call that far from not gaining. keep up the good work.

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