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Thread: gyno question from a rookie

  1. #1

    gyno question from a rookie

    i run 450mg a week deca and winny before that i run tren,eq and sust250.No PCT what so ever only clomid for three weeks on the last cycle.After the last cycle(a month and a half ago)a notice a little lump in my nipples and they are sensitive too.can you guys tell me:
    1)what can i do for that, because it is very annoying.
    2)i will run this cycle,can you please tell me the best PCT
    1-4 30mg/ed d-bol
    1-4 40 mcg igf-1
    1-10 400mg/week eq
    1-10 500mg/week sust250

    the rookie needs professional help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    las vegas
    have u tried tamox?

  3. #3
    you think that will work because so far from my research everybody thinks latro will work

  4. #4
    and also should i run letro by itself with no juice?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    is it a lump around the nipple area? i would try running nolvadex 20-40mg's ed until the estrogen side effects subside. if a serm regimine does not work then try the secondary method of an AI like arimidex or letro as a final approach.

  6. #6
    is it a lump around the nipple area? i would try running nolvadex 20-40mg's ed until the estrogen side effects subside. if a serm regimine does not work then try the secondary method of an AI like arimidex or letro as a final approach.

    what you suggest for the cycle above?

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