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Thread: old man needing contest diet assistance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    old man needing contest diet assistance

    hey bros,
    I have competed many times in the past, although the last was 1995. I had won 6 of the 7 competitions I entered in my 20's. A bad, non work out related injury took me out for 4 years. I have been training consistently now for three years again. Current states 5'8 weight 228 lbs- body fat 14%. I have been doing a clean bulk steady for 1 year, jumping back up past 220. My waist is currently 32 inches. I am looking to hit one more show before I just train for the love of the sport not the competition. Bullshit I need to prove I still got it at 34 years old. I need some help with tweaking my prep diet, and so you know I do not respond well to carbs. That was one thing that never changed.

    7:00 am 60 grams oatmeal
    60 grams whey pro(this will change to egg whites 5 weeks out)
    51 g-protein
    48.5 carbs
    8.5 fat

    10:00am(post work out) 16 oz apple juice
    60 grams whey pro
    68 carbs
    60 protein

    12:00 am 140 grams chicken breast
    4 flavored rice cakes
    44 protein
    58 carbs
    8 fat

    2:30 pm 200 grams tuna
    50 grams roast peanuts
    52 protein
    30 fat
    11.5 carbs

    5:00 pm 140 grams chicken
    40 grams oatmeal
    45 protein
    27 carb
    8 fat

    7:30 pm 200 grams tuna
    50 grams roast peanuts
    52 protein
    30 fat
    11.5 carbs

    9:30 pm 160 grams tuna
    1tbsp flax
    32 protein
    14 fat

    totals 3065 calories
    protein 336
    carb 224
    fat 98.5

    supps will be test p weeks 1-16 75mgs daily
    primo weeks 1-12 600 mgs weekly
    avar weeks 1-12 60mgs daily
    masteron 12-16 75mgs daily
    winny 12-16 50 mgs daily

    clen & t-3 last 4 weeks

    plus ancillaries

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Midwest Biatch
    I can only eat tuna once a day, because of the sodium that's in it. I would switch to sodium free almonds instead of peanuts. Egg whites should definately be your last meal as well as your first. Not sure what the 16oz of apple juice is for unless your using insulin. There is a lot of sugar in apple juice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Thanks for the reply bro

    I do use the low sodium tuna 25mgs per serving and rinse it prior to eating. The peanuts are roasted with no salt and I do alternate between almonds, peanuts and cashews just for some variety. Yes on the slin 8 ius post work out, 16 oz on the apple juice is as low as I can go. It has 28 grams of sugar 8 oz serving, compared to grape juice and 40 grams for 8 oz.

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