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Thread: Please help with training on pct

  1. #1

    Please help with training on pct

    hey guys should my training be changed at all during pct? Should i hit the weights harder or lighter? should i go heavy or light or both?
    I train every thing once a week except for chest it gets hit twice due to it being a week point right now. My workout is below but it changes alot due to what i feel like hitting the next day and i dont always take 3 days off it just depends on how i feel but this is a basic over view of how i train during the week. I go medium to high weight never do more than 10 reps per set and i do 15 sets for each body part. Abs i dont really do sets i just pass the time between sets hitting abs.

    tuesday-try's and back
    sat -day off
    sun day off

  2. #2
    I've always lived by the mentality that once your muscles lift the weight, they lifted that weight and are strong enough to do it again. If for some reason you can,'t, it must be your mind convincing your muscles that they can't. No matter what was in your body at the time, your muscles are now strong enough to lift that weight, period. Obviously that's a very optimistic mind set, but a positive mind set like that really helps me push past the intensity drop off that I get during PCT. I try to get right into something that will get my energy levels up, like NO Xplode or energy drinks, during my work out. That way I can try to keep my intensity levels as high as possible and at the same time keep my head in it. Your eventually going to tail off a little in strength, but the idea behind PCT is to maintain as much as the gains you made on cycle, as possible.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by juice joe
    tuesday-try's and back
    sat -day off
    sun day off
    I don't see where your hitting chest twice? Also, three days off in row is going to really hurt you during PCT. It's going to be hard to motivate yourself to get back in there hard on Monday. I would recommend at least going in on Friday or Saturday to do some cardio or just a light "fine tune" day. Just to get yourself in there.
    My routine looks like this:

    Mon: Chest / Abs
    Tues: Bi's and Tri's
    Wed: Legs
    Thurs: Back / Abs
    Fri: Shoulders
    Sat: OFF
    Sun: OFF

    If you still wanted to do chest twice a week, you could always throw it on Friday with Shoulders. That way you have enough time off between chest days to allow for recovery.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    3 days for train in PCT are right, more days dont like

    I think this:

    In the PCT, the training will be more soft, or directly dont train for 1 or 2 weeks because this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    I bought a copy of Muscular characteristics of detraining in humans, published in the official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. It's only $25 and it cultivates over 50 studies and over 30 years of research into detraining...

    Here is an interesting excerpt from it:

    "Mean fiber cross-sectional area has been shown to change during short-term training stoppage. Bangsbo and Mizuno (3), studying samples of the gastrocnemius muscle of male soccer players undergoing 3 wk of training cessation, reported a 7% decline in the mean fiber cross-sectional area. This change, however, was primarily due to a 12.4% decline in FTa fiber area, from 6022 to 5278 μm2. Similar results have been observed in 12 weight lifters, whose FT fiber cross-sectional area declined by 6.4% in 14 d. Interestingly, increases were observed in plasma concentrations of growth hormone (58.3%), testosterone (19.2%), and the testosterone/cortisol ratio (67.6%), whereas cortisol and creatine kinase enzyme levels decreased respectively by 21.5 and 82.3%. According to the investigators, short-term training stoppage in strength athletes specifically affected FT fiber size, and changes in the hormonal milieu accompanying inactivity were propitious for an enhanced anabolic process, but the absence of the overload training stimulus prevented the materialization of such changes at the tissue level (26,28). On the other hand, 14 d of training stoppage did not result in a changed muscle fiber cross-sectional area in a group of endurance runners (27), and it even increased slightly (from 4.05 to 4.52 μm2·10-3 in ST fibers, and from 4.20 to 5.22 μm2·10-3 in FTa fibers) in a similar group of runners (31).

    A 60 percent increase in GH and 20 percent more testosterone! That's pretty significant... especially for someone trying to recovery proper HPTA functioning...

    I toyed with this coming off my last cycle of T. After the gear existed - following the expiration of the heaviest ester - I went on a 2-week vacation... I was a little worried but ended up experiencing an interesting effect. I notice a marked increase in disposition and sex drive the first week - within 7 days, lasting through-out the 2-week cessation.

    I wouldn't advise an entire 2-week break post-cycle, but I do think that a 7-day cool off from training would help kick the HPTA into gear post-cycle. Followed by a week or two of very abbreviated training with adequate rest days.

    (sorry, my english isn´t good )

  5. #5
    I dont know about taking two weeks off to be hounest i am afraid of doing that. It ****s with my head not being in the gym atleast 4 times a week and even on my days off i do 3 sets of 35 pushups.
    I have been hitting the weights the same as i was on the shit every thing seems fine right now but will see it has only been 14 days since my last shot. I have been on nolvadex for about 10 days now and just started the clomid this week. I have droped about 5lbs due to lost water weight i think cause my lifts have all stayed the same except i cant lift as much with my tri's as i was but it doesnt realy bother me.

  6. #6
    bro... if i was you i would keep lifting hard when your in the gym but allow yourself 2 days rest divided within the week. if you don't continue to push yourself in the gym and eat the protien and calories, your body will essentially lose stregnth and size. without maintaining the stregnth you won't be able to put your muscles under the same amount of stress and therefore will not be able to maintain or gain new muscle. your already at a disadvantage b/c your body doesn't have the same levels of test anymore, so don't short yourself by lifting light in the gym. when i'm on pct i lift as hard i can when i work out, but i make sure that i give my body the rest,fuel, and sleep that it needs to maintain the muscle and continue to grow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    In the PCT you dont have the adecuated level of testosterone for avoid the cortisol generated for the high training

    Less volumen or intensity of training (or dont train) = less stress = less cortisol

  8. #8
    So just add some B6 to your PCT and cortisol should not be a problem.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I think this is an xlnt question. It seems to me the low test and high cortisol levels during pct would mean you have to ease up on the w/o intensity till normal test levels come back, anybody else...?

  10. #10
    i see your point about the cortisol but there are alot of products you can take in order to accomadate for that. i personally wouldn't stop lifting hard for fear of excess cortisol. and if i felt that i was overtraining or not responding to the lifting, i would just take a day or two off. you have to know your body. i'm currently in my pct and i haven't let up on the intensity except i am taking an extra day off from the gym. i'm 3 weeks into my pct and i have only lost 4lbs(water weight) and literally zero stregnth.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hipercortisolemia generated by for long period for the use of steroids (in add: Age, time of cycle, doses, gears, etc)... don´t be controled to easy for suplements (vitamin C, glutamine, GABA, ciproheptadine, etc)

    "i'm 3 weeks into my pct and i have only lost 4lbs" are you sure? only water?

    You don´t know exactly how much muscle/water your lost in the PCT

    A 60 percent increase in GH and 20 percent more testosterone! That's pretty significant... especially for someone trying to recovery proper HPTA functioning...
    I wouldn't advise an entire 2-week break post-cycle, but I do think that a 7-day cool off from training would help kick the HPTA into gear post-cycle. Followed by a week or two of very abbreviated training with adequate rest days.
    IMO In 7 days you don´t loose to much of yours gains of streng

    See you

    (sorry, my english isnt good)

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