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Thread: 5 weeks to Get shredded.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there

    5 weeks to Get shredded.

    I have 5 weeks to get shredded for a wedding and Honeymoon as well. I know this will boil down mainly to diet and cardio which I am doing now. Current wait is 263, 6'2" 21% BF. I planned to do it right months ago but got ACL/MCL/Meniscus repair 9 weeks and have been unable to be active for until a week ago which has lead to th eincrease of Body fat and muscle loss. My goal is to be 240lbs at about 10-12 bf within the next 5 weeks..I know...its gonna be tough.

    My previous cycle which ended in July 2008 consisted og Test Prop, Tren, Var, and Mast...( my third cycle )

    The problem with the Prop is that it still gives me water weight in the face which I do not want for the wedding..unfortuanely I have to have as my base..

    My question is those with GREAT knowledge and experience..with a perfect diet and cario..what would you take to help this goal..I plan clen, far but besides the Test Prop..should I do Tren Eq ( which really needed 12 weeks )..? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    tren ace, winni. although 5 wks is hard to work with considering your bf% and the tren might make it tough to do alot of cardio. I cant do much cardio on tren. possibly a diuretic but I have no exp with that so someone else will have to chime in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    prop/tren..maybe some var, winny, or masteron too..gonna be hard to do that in 5 weeks though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    prop/tren..maybe some var, winny, or masteron too..gonna be hard to do that in 5 weeks though
    I'd also recommend those two, along with some T3 and Clen, but regardless of the chemicals and compounds to cut your bf in half in 5wks, though within the realm of possibility, will require
    great discipline!
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  5. #5
    cardio 2 hr morning before you eat cardio 2 hours in the evening and no carbs well very little

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    Ya i agree with magic. T3 and Clen are most likely your best bets

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Central Texas
    Just cuz u had surgery doesnt mean you cant eat right. You should have been dieting for the last 9 weeks while you were recovering. I can losew weight without any cardio just diet. Good luck losing 20lbs in a month hoepfully it wont be to much muscle mass that you lose.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BEAMERMAN View Post
    cardio 2 hr morning before you eat cardio 2 hours in the evening and no carbs well very little
    No way that much cardio...

    100mcg T3 ED week 1-5
    60mcg Clen ED week 1-5
    ketofin E3W
    50mg Winni ED week 1-5
    Masteron 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Tren 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Prop 100mg ED Week 1-5
    10mg Aromasin... Week 1-5 20mg week 6-8
    20mg Nolvadex Week 6-10

    1 hour of cardio Before breakfast 1 hour of cardio PWO at night 6 days a week

    Dieting this hard I would suggest something like this

    50/25/25 Protein/Carbs/Fat

    but your looking at 25lbs of fat loss so even on that much gear your looking at 30lbs lost probably.... so your goona have to go at Negative 6lbs a week or
    22 thousand calories...Almost a pound a day that would require insanity...

    Doing 2 1 hour sessions @ 800 calories an hour = 1600 calories a day you have to eat 1900 sub maintenance or around 1800 calories a day...

    300g Protein.... 90g Carbs... 40g fat Something like that

    Side note: some people will say winni + Mast is over kill.. not in this case the winni is only in there to suppress SHBG...Maybe even reduce it to 25mg ED if you notice joint problems..
    Last edited by soulstealer; 02-22-2008 at 03:39 PM.

  9. #9
    well hoplefully he'll update so we'll find out

  10. #10
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    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    Just cuz u had surgery doesnt mean you cant eat right. You should have been dieting for the last 9 weeks while you were recovering. I can losew weight without any cardio just diet. Good luck losing 20lbs in a month hoepfully it wont be to much muscle mass that you lose.
    Not all of us are the same or have the same body type/metabolism. I actually only gained 10lbs of fat..before weighting 257.I ALWAYS purposely gain weight during the winter..then by june/july Im typical down to 6-8% Bf. But thanks for sharing

  11. #11
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    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    No way that much cardio...

    100mcg T3 ED week 1-5
    60mcg Clen ED week 1-5
    ketofin E3W
    50mg Winni ED week 1-5
    Masteron 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Tren 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Prop 100mg ED Week 1-5
    10mg Aromasin... Week 1-5 20mg week 6-8
    20mg Nolvadex Week 6-10

    1 hour of cardio Before breakfast 1 hour of cardio PWO at night 6 days a week

    Dieting this hard I would suggest something like this

    50/25/25 Protein/Carbs/Fat

    but your looking at 25lbs of fat loss so even on that much gear your looking at 30lbs lost probably.... so your goona have to go at Negative 6lbs a week or
    22 thousand calories...Almost a pound a day that would require insanity...

    Doing 2 1 hour sessions @ 800 calories an hour = 1600 calories a day you have to eat 1900 sub maintenance or around 1800 calories a day...

    300g Protein.... 90g Carbs... 40g fat Something like that

    Side note: some people will say winni + Mast is over kill.. not in this case the winni is only in there to suppress SHBG...Maybe even reduce it to 25mg ED if you notice joint problems..
    Awesome adivce brother. Thanks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup View Post
    Awesome adivce brother. Thanks.
    Winny and Masteron are both good, and I wouldn't bash either of them. But Var should definitely find a place among your DHT choices, because it burns fat even w/o exercise, not to mention enhances vascularity, and aids in dialing in definition. I like to Prop/Tren/Var/Mast/T3/Clen cocktail better. I'd go Mast over Winny for it's AI-ish properties.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    Winny and Masteron are both good, and I wouldn't bash either of them. But Var should definitely find a place among your DHT choices, because it burns fat even w/o exercise, not to mention enhances vascularity, and aids in dialing in definition. I like to Prop/Tren/Var/Mast/T3/Clen cocktail better. I'd go Mast over Winny for it's AI-ish properties.
    Actually magic I was saying Prop/Tren/Winni/Mast/T3/Clen... See the problem your going to get is huge production of SHBG due to the complete lack of insulin response which is going to severely decrease you free floating test.... we want to avoid that... Not saying var isnt an excellent choice and the cycle magic outlined would be great just saying throwing your body under this much stress I think it would be more beneficial if you ran the winni... of course if your really desperate....... you could run both

    100mcg T3 ED week 1-5
    60mcg Clen ED week 1-5
    ketofin E3W
    50mg Winni EOD week 1-5
    Var 60mg ED week 1-5
    Masteron 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Tren 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Prop 100mg ED Week 1-5
    10mg Aromasin... Week 1-5 20mg week 6-8
    20mg Nolvadex Week 6-10

    ..hello human pin cushion...I'll tell you right now you make i through this cycle and you're my hero...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 02-23-2008 at 06:50 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    No way that much cardio...

    100mcg T3 ED week 1-5
    60mcg Clen ED week 1-5
    ketofin E3W
    50mg Winni ED week 1-5
    Masteron 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Tren 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Prop 100mg ED Week 1-5
    10mg Aromasin... Week 1-5 20mg week 6-8
    20mg Nolvadex Week 6-10

    1 hour of cardio Before breakfast 1 hour of cardio PWO at night 6 days a week

    Dieting this hard I would suggest something like this

    50/25/25 Protein/Carbs/Fat

    but your looking at 25lbs of fat loss so even on that much gear your looking at 30lbs lost probably.... so your goona have to go at Negative 6lbs a week or
    22 thousand calories...Almost a pound a day that would require insanity...

    Doing 2 1 hour sessions @ 800 calories an hour = 1600 calories a day you have to eat 1900 sub maintenance or around 1800 calories a day...

    300g Protein.... 90g Carbs... 40g fat Something like that

    Side note: some people will say winni + Mast is over kill.. not in this case the winni is only in there to suppress SHBG...Maybe even reduce it to 25mg ED if you notice joint problems..
    yes, that much cardio is over kill and will eat muscle. You dont need more than 1 hr a day and that is even pushin it. Knock the carbs way down and you will drop fast. I am looking to lose 10 pds in 10 days this week by doing this. i will lose a tad of muscle, but thats the trade off. 5 weeks is a long time actually

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    No way that much cardio...

    100mcg T3 ED week 1-5
    60mcg Clen ED week 1-5
    ketofin E3W
    50mg Winni ED week 1-5
    Masteron 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Tren 100mg ED Week 1-5
    Prop 100mg ED Week 1-5
    10mg Aromasin... Week 1-5 20mg week 6-8
    20mg Nolvadex Week 6-10

    1 hour of cardio Before breakfast 1 hour of cardio PWO at night 6 days a week

    Dieting this hard I would suggest something like this

    50/25/25 Protein/Carbs/Fat

    but your looking at 25lbs of fat loss so even on that much gear your looking at 30lbs lost probably.... so your goona have to go at Negative 6lbs a week or
    22 thousand calories...Almost a pound a day that would require insanity...

    Doing 2 1 hour sessions @ 800 calories an hour = 1600 calories a day you have to eat 1900 sub maintenance or around 1800 calories a day...

    300g Protein.... 90g Carbs... 40g fat Something like that

    Side note: some people will say winni + Mast is over kill.. not in this case the winni is only in there to suppress SHBG...Maybe even reduce it to 25mg ED if you notice joint problems..
    this right here is your best bet. if you follow this game plan you'll lose as much fat as humanly possible in 5 weeks. drugs help but diet and cardio are whats going to really do it for you. the next 5 weeks are going to be tough for you if you follow this routine but the payoff will make it worthwhile

  16. #16
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    Here and there
    Soul STealer and Magig! Thanks to the two of you for sharing your advice..infact..THANK ALL OF YOU for sharing your opnions. So far in the first 2 weeks ive lost 7 lbs..stictly diet..cardio..lifting..and Clen. Im down from 267 to 259!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i would run the prop @50mg/day or 200mg/wk just to keep the sex drive up, maybe even taking no shots a couple days b4 the wedding to drop some water off

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by flabbywussy View Post
    i would run the prop @50mg/day or 200mg/wk just to keep the sex drive up, maybe even taking no shots a couple days b4 the wedding to drop some water off
    I like the water weight advice

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    cycle ur carbs

    biggest factor will be WATER so you should learn to manipulate ur sodium.

    train w/ the H.I.T. Method

    do cardio AM 45-75min and 30-45min PWO as well... dont over do it though... as over doing cardio can lead to seroius knee/ankle pain.

    lifting should not last more than 30min.

    var+mast like magic said would be ideal .. you dont NEED test infact i wouldnt dick w/it unless your prone to impotence. (mast being a DHT can increase ur libido viscously)
    tren will make u a mess for the wedding (dont mess with it)

    DONT RELY ON AAS.. thats the first mistake when trying to reach strict goals.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    cycle ur carbs

    biggest factor will be WATER so you should learn to manipulate ur sodium.

    train w/ the H.I.T. Method

    do cardio AM 45-75min and 30-45min PWO as well... dont over do it though... as over doing cardio can lead to seroius knee/ankle pain.

    lifting should not last more than 30min.

    var+mast like magic said would be ideal .. you dont NEED test infact i wouldnt dick w/it unless your prone to impotence. (mast being a DHT can increase ur libido viscously)
    tren will make u a mess for the wedding (dont mess with it)

    DONT RELY ON AAS.. thats the first mistake when trying to reach strict goals.
    Taiboxa. Its good to see you are still around! I dont get on her much anymore. Thanks man. Thats good advice. Seems most are saying mast which Ive done before.

    One question though. I f i dont add test..once i come off the my libido gonna be screwd well?


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup View Post
    Taiboxa. Its good to see you are still around! I dont get on her much anymore. Thanks man. Thats good advice. Seems most are saying mast which Ive done before.

    One question though. I f i dont add test..once i come off the my libido gonna be screwd well?

    nah... not as much as it would if you were ON test which causes complete suppression.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup View Post
    I have 5 weeks to get shredded for a wedding and Honeymoon as well. I know this will boil down mainly to diet and cardio which I am doing now. Current wait is 263, 6'2" 21% BF. I planned to do it right months ago but got ACL/MCL/Meniscus repair 9 weeks and have been unable to be active for until a week ago which has lead to th eincrease of Body fat and muscle loss. My goal is to be 240lbs at about 10-12 bf within the next 5 weeks..I know...its gonna be tough.

    My previous cycle which ended in July 2008 consisted og Test Prop, Tren, Var, and Mast...( my third cycle )

    The problem with the Prop is that it still gives me water weight in the face which I do not want for the wedding..unfortuanely I have to have as my base..

    My question is those with GREAT knowledge and experience..with a perfect diet and cario..what would you take to help this goal..I plan clen, far but besides the Test Prop..should I do Tren Eq ( which really needed 12 weeks )..? Thanks

    DIET is CRITICAL here!!! a good CLEN/T3 stack can help alot,,,TREN ACE is option works fast.

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