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Thread: Before and after

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Before and after

    Here is a before picture and an after. The first pic was after my first ever test cycle and a little cutting down after. The after pic was after a bulker and had not yet cut down. No pics of the wheels however they get trained just as hard and are caught up with everything else. I don't take a lot of pics ha.
    Last edited by VTliftVT; 03-26-2008 at 06:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    you have a good build bro and if you can maintain your low body fat then you will look really good after 2 more bulkers. you definatly have a great start here and if you keep it up and put on about 30lbs of solid muscle youll look really good

  3. #3
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the three oh!
    looking good man,keep it up!

  4. #4
    keep at it mate. are you trying to get freaky big or just asthetically plesing. either way good luck. how tall are you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    good job man eat eat eat

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lfs2shrt2bsml View Post
    keep at it mate. are you trying to get freaky big or just asthetically plesing. either way good luck. how tall are you
    In the picture I am 205lbs at 6'1" tall. I managed to get up to 230 with around the same bodyfat. However, I was found to have low test due to a pituitary problem and lost everything back down to 200 where I am currently at (basically the same as the final picture). I believe we all feel we can be bigger and pursue that however being asthetically pleasing is a must as well. I am definitely pursing both and would love to be around 230-240 with at 8% or so at my final product. Then I am sure if I ever reach that I will be saying I want to be 250 then 260 etc. It's never a finished product!

    BTW, all this is after I was 230lbs @ 5'10" with a 42" waist whilst in high school. I managed to diet down to 165lbs and go up from there, this time without the fat.
    Last edited by VTliftVT; 03-23-2008 at 06:11 AM.

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