Hey guys im just curious to know what you think of this Liquid Crystal Plate cover i made...i currently own a window and door business and i have access to all types of products in the industry...i recently got connected with a company and were working together on manufacturing and distributing liquid crystal glass...
with all that said, i just recieved a sample from them and i was thinking of lots of ways to implement this technology on homes and then i began to think about cars...i made an LCD plate cover that goes from completely transparent to completely blurred at the flick of a switch with an applied electrical current..alot of the car guys are loving it and want this made for them...this glass doesnt come cheap but there still lovin it...let me know what you think of it...heres the vids of it..this is only a sample and not the finished product...i will still clean it up and make a sleek mounting bracket for it...oh and as far as legality? i will clearly state that this is for "off road use only"...enjoy!