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Thread: What do you think of this LCD plate cover...(video)

  1. #1
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    What do you think of this LCD plate cover...(video)

    Hey guys im just curious to know what you think of this Liquid Crystal Plate cover i made...i currently own a window and door business and i have access to all types of products in the industry...i recently got connected with a company and were working together on manufacturing and distributing liquid crystal glass...

    with all that said, i just recieved a sample from them and i was thinking of lots of ways to implement this technology on homes and then i began to think about cars...i made an LCD plate cover that goes from completely transparent to completely blurred at the flick of a switch with an applied electrical current..alot of the car guys are loving it and want this made for them...this glass doesnt come cheap but there still lovin it...let me know what you think of it...heres the vids of it..this is only a sample and not the finished product...i will still clean it up and make a sleek mounting bracket for it...oh and as far as legality? i will clearly state that this is for "off road use only"...enjoy!

  2. #2
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    Check my bike in my profile pics, I've had one in place for years.

  3. #3
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    that is awsome! it looks pretty good on the bike too...about 80% of the interest i got in this was all from guys with bikes...all the car guys are tagging along aswell now too.

  4. #4
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    hey i would get one from you, what the pricing? when you gonna start selling it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    pretty cool.

  6. #6
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    i dont have exact pricing for it yet because were still finishing the testing phase and we need some custom parts made (custom brackets etc.) in order to make this look clean and presentable...what this kit will come with is...

    custom glass cut to plate size with applied LCD film and wiring installed within 6mm thick glass.
    a power inverter to convert to 12v
    bracket to mount the glass into
    switch to mount into the interior of your car
    shipping will be included to all united states and canada

    the ballpark amount will be $285 or $290 shipped according to all my calculations..this price is NOT set in stone yet until the complete kit is assembled and tested..

    there are alot of guys out there that are creative and electronically inclined to do their own custom work so they just want the basic and they do everything else themselves..some guys also say they already have an inverter and can make their own bracket etc... in this case i will sell the glass all wired,assembled,and ready to go for $240 usd or so shipped...again this is ballpark and NOT set in stone, but that is a very close guess to what it will be...

  7. #7
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    I have seen them used in high line bathrooms and shower doors.

    Also it would be cool if you can get a dark smoke out. Then you can sell them ass room darkeners.

  8. #8
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    yes your exactly right, they are used on high end clubs,buildings etc...they are used on boardrooms, bathrooms, offices and banks aswell...we are working on a couple different types of glass right now and room darkening glass is one of them aswell, even glass that becomes one way mirror aswell...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    that rocks...I would buy one...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    that rocks...I would buy one...
    keep me on you e-mail list and send me an e-mail with any questions, when its all finished up i cann definately ship one out to anyone that needs one...
    [email protected]

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    How large could you make them? I would love to have my office windows done, would be great for private meetings.

  12. #12
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    i can do them any size you need it pretty much...the only thing you need is an electrician that can also work on windows to do the work for you, its not that hard to do for a window installer, especially if its indoors...

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Callao, Virginia
    Thats such a good idea for a licence plate cover, if you start selling them I would deff buy one.

  14. #14
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    i will let you know as soon as i get it completely finished and then ill start collecting deposits...keep showing interest guys because ill have to dump a total 5k into this investment to get it going smoothly. thats the minimum i have to put to get this stuff because of the amount of work involved in making this...once i see good interest ill sink in that investment and ill be able to make this stuff in any shape or size for anyone!

  15. #15
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    Hahahaha...they just started some nonsense here where a camera takes your picture and they mail you a ticket if you run a red light.

    This is ****ing awesome....

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    Callao, Virginia
    With the gas prices going up, with around a 300 dollar investment, you can get all the free gas you want.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    With the gas prices going up, with around a 300 dollar investment, you can get all the free gas you want.

    hmmm, didnt think of that

  19. #19
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    What will you offer for front&rear license plates..Those of us in NJ have to have two plates...

    Also, consider making the switch wireless, perhaps something that can be put onto the keychain to flip it on/off to be disguised as a keyless entry remote for another vehicle. Another reason this is beneficial, I dont know about the other members, but I'm not crazy about running wires and install random switches in my luxury car, maybe for a sports car, but not a 50k luxury car.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What will you offer for front&rear license plates..Those of us in NJ have to have two plates...

    Also, consider making the switch wireless, perhaps something that can be put onto the keychain to flip it on/off to be disguised as a keyless entry remote for another vehicle. Another reason this is beneficial, I dont know about the other members, but I'm not crazy about running wires and install random switches in my luxury car, maybe for a sports car, but not a 50k luxury car.
    hmmmm you definately have a pretty dam good point there..i was thinking of making a wireless remote or switch but then i already figured that some guys were getting a little nervous about this plate getting that i think of it ill try to make 2 versions of it for guys like you...thanks for the heads up because i wouldnt want to be messin with an interior of a 50k+ car either...
    here in Canada we need to have both plates aswell...i cant knock off too much money if you need 2, because its the glass itself thats expensive but i can probably knock off about 30-40 dollars if 2 are bought and shipped to the same adress, how does that sound? the same time, if your planning on putting this on your car, then you would might as well just remove the front plate, afterall whos going to nail you for not having one when they wont even see the back one hahaha!...and itll save you a couple hundred aswell j/k! ill definately try to work out a deal on multiple purchases though!

  21. #21
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    also for all guys that are inclined and can custom make their own bracket to mount this...i can sell these to you right now!!,and ill knock off 20 bucks,so you can have it for 265 shipped right now! the bracket is the only other thing needed for me to get this off the ground but my fabricator needs a week or 2 to get it all done...just need to mount this plate 2-3 inches away from your plate so that the numbers and letters arent visible at all in any way, so make sure to add a spacer.

    this glass reflects alot of light so dont worry about cars flashing their lights on you and exposing the plate because light actually makes this plate become even more opaque because it reflects and makes it impossible to see through it, thats the beauty of this stuff...i love it!!
    Last edited by bigguy20; 06-30-2008 at 03:50 PM.

  22. #22
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    also i have another 10 plates on thier way to be tested so ill have them on hand within 2 weeks or even sooner!...keep the interest coming guys and ill be shipping out more of these!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows View Post
    Hahahaha...they just started some nonsense here where a camera takes your picture and they mail you a ticket if you run a red light.

    This is ****ing awesome....
    they have had that in every major intersection in every major city for years in Alberta....we also have them for can get a film to put over your plate so when the flash goes it blurs the image of your plate.....

  24. #24
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    Callao, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    they have had that in every major intersection in every major city for years in Alberta....we also have them for can get a film to put over your plate so when the flash goes it blurs the image of your plate.....
    I think Mythbusters proved that the film that goes over your plate dosnt work.

  25. #25
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    oh it works, you have to install it right and it only works on the right car based on height of the camera and is also illegal now up here so if you get caught you get a ticket and they take it off and its like 40 bucks,.....hahaha

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    oh it works, you have to install it right and it only works on the right car based on height of the camera and is also illegal now up here so if you get caught you get a ticket and they take it off and its like 40 bucks,.....hahaha
    no thats the cheaper garbage stuff that you can buy for like 20 bucks...this is an LCD glass and not a cheap appliable film, this stuff is built right into the glass and works doesnt matter what height, what angle or light that hits it..this stuff works no matter just has to be installed about 2 inches away from the plate so you cant see the letters/numbers..i only deal the good stuff ...there is a huuuuge difference between this technology and that sticky stuff that people might have seen on myth busters or on e-bay for cheap..

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigguy20 View Post
    no thats the cheaper garbage stuff that you can buy for like 20 bucks...this is an LCD glass and not a cheap appliable film, this stuff is built right into the glass and works doesnt matter what height, what angle or light that hits it..this stuff works no matter just has to be installed about 2 inches away from the plate so you cant see the letters/numbers..i only deal the good stuff ...there is a huuuuge difference between this technology and that sticky stuff that people might have seen on myth busters or on e-bay for cheap..
    oh ya man fopr sure...what i was saying is that the cheap stuff works sometimes to protect from the cameras they use for speding and red lights....

    i love your idea and know it isnt cheap and will be good quality...

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Callao, Virginia
    All we need now, is a "fake" color skin for a car. Like after you do something "bad", you peel off the skin for your car which is a different color then the orginal and get away scotch free.

  29. #29
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    LOL, yeah we need that down here since our toll roads haven't picked up on the electronic transponders resulting in hundreds of licenses being suspended for running tolls because they have cameras that take pics of the tags that the transponders don't work on.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    I have seen them used in high line bathrooms and shower doors.

    Also it would be cool if you can get a dark smoke out. Then you can sell them ass room darkeners.
    We need to tell DSM4Life all about this !!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    oh ya man fopr sure...what i was saying is that the cheap stuff works sometimes to protect from the cameras they use for speding and red lights....

    i love your idea and know it isnt cheap and will be good quality...
    yeah i read the previous post to that one you poseted and then i got what you were saying, sorry for the misunderstanding..

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    can you make a helmet visor to put on ugly girls when you sleep with them

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    give me the size/dimensions and ill get it done for you!^^

  34. #34
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    on a side note, if anyone on here belongs to any other car forums or knows anybody that does, can you make a quick thread and share this vid with those guys?, i dont want to register on a new forum and look like a spammer and get kicked off...if anyone can do that for me it would be greatly appreciated!
    if anyone does do this for me can you send me the link so i can follow the posts aswell?

  35. #35
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    bumping this up for now, ill have an update on the bracket being made for early to mid next week!

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    i will definitly take one. my lease is up in 2 weeks and im 'bout to get somethin new

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What will you offer for front&rear license plates..Those of us in NJ have to have two plates...

    Also, consider making the switch wireless, perhaps something that can be put onto the keychain to flip it on/off to be disguised as a keyless entry remote for another vehicle. Another reason this is beneficial, I dont know about the other members, but I'm not crazy about running wires and install random switches in my luxury car, maybe for a sports car, but not a 50k luxury car.
    If you wanna do something like this lemme know I can help...I take apart and run wires in much more expensive cars than 50k luxury cars.

  38. #38
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    sorry guys!!! ive been going crazy as hell trying to find the best priced fabricator for this bracket...all the fabricators in my area wanted so much money up front and a minimum purchase of 100 brackets!
    i finally found someone to make me a prototype and hes working on it as we speak, just this prototype alone will cost me 450 just for the bracket design! then ill need to buy a minimum of 30 brackets in order to get them at 50 dollars a piece...this means it will bring the price just a bit higher than 300 dollars which isnt too bad but i want to keep the price as reasonable as possible for all you sorry i havent gotten back to you all right away because ive been going crazy trying to get this all in order and finished...the brackets are going to look awsome though and they will be finished off with powdercoating free of charge for now just so i can get these things selling and build a good rep for myself.
    thanks so much for your patience as im just trying to make these things look as good as possible..if you guys have any questions or coments feel free to post them or toss me a line at [email protected] as ill be checking that e-mail like 3 times a day..
    Thanks again for your patience everyone!

    oh and by the way guys if you feel like you can do up a bracket yourself and want one asap just subtract 50 bucks and itll be a 2-3 week waiting period for it! i have everything else all lined up and ready to go except the bracket...

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    im source cheks
    damn man thats pretty sweet

  40. #40
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    im seriously getting a shit load of interest on this plate now and its awsome, i even have the administrator on e-mailing me to host a groupbuy on his site! i cant wait till i get these brackets done now...

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