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Thread: Hypothetical nit-wit ASS injection scenario...!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)

    Wink Hypothetical nit-wit ASS injection scenario...!?

    Okay, so let's say, hypothetically speaking, that there was this complete chump (not me obviously), who was performing his 3rd ever AAS injection,- let's say for arguments sake it was 1cc Sustanon250 in the Glute,- and because he was still a little anxious about injections, had a tendency to trance out a little as he was 'going through the motions', and in this particular instance began to withdraw the needle before all the Sust was injected, without realising he was withdrawing the needle until only the tip was still 'in the skin'... Now let's say for arguments sake that this absolute plum wasn't sure he wasn't injecting as he was withdrawing, and is now a bit concerned that a small fraction of the Sust oil, could have possibly been deposited subcutaneously and/or in the fat itself, and is just wondering if this could be an issue, medically mainly, but also whether it would affect steroid absorption?

    ...I love throwing these hypothetical scenarios out there, cause you never know when some idiot's going to need some advice on the topic....Ahem..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    you will be fine bro. of course the oil under the skin wont be absorbed and will probably cause a lump but it should fade in a few days
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)
    ...PT, I thought I made this clear that this was a hypothetical scenario!! Sheesh!

    Hehe, thanks PT, so if I don't get any lump or hardness on the site it'd probably mean all went well and I'd shot it all-up IM as intended?

  4. #4
    Your body can absorb the test that was subq, just not a lot of it. Also, different injection methods cause the body to absorb test differently, i.e. higher dht or aromatase conversion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    ....Also, different injection methods cause the body to absorb test differently, i.e. higher dht or aromatase conversion.
    Wow, now I didn't know about that last bit JiGGaMan,- so a little too much juice in the wrong place and I could wake up the next day looking like a balding playgirl!?...Sheesh!

    Cheers bro! Hehe!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    LOL, yesterday I had to use a 1 inch pin to stick my glute and put a somewhere around a full 1 cc of oil sub-Q and now I have a painful lump and bruise on my a*ss. Hard to sit or lay down too. Hopefully it will go away, do i need to see a doc if it doesn't go away soon?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ChemWizard1 View Post
    LOL, yesterday I had to use a 1 inch pin to stick my glute and put a somewhere around a full 1 cc of oil sub-Q and now I have a painful lump and bruise on my a*ss. Hard to sit or lay down too. Hopefully it will go away, do i need to see a doc if it doesn't go away soon?
    no it should go away in about 4 days

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    I'd say that chump had a obsessive compulsive order like another chump I know who licks the every last drop of his PWO shake from the mixer to get ALL the protein

    But seriously, apart from a little abscess (if some gear did lodge SubQ), you'd be fine; your muscles wont shrink if you're a few mgs shy of your intended dosage...


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