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Thread: Novice cycle plans.....thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?

  1. #1

    Question Novice cycle plans.....thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?

    This is the cycle that I started on Monday. Any suggestions, thoughts, or advice would be appreciated.....Do I need to run the Nolva this long after?

    1 200mg/deca 200mg/test cyp
    2 200mg/deca 200mg test cyp
    3 300mg/deca 300mg test cyp
    4 300mg/deca 300mg test cyp
    5 300mg/deca 300mg/test cyp
    6 300mg/deca 300mg/test cyp
    7 200mg/deca 200mg/test cyp
    8 200mg/deca 200mg/test cyp


    1 20mg/day
    2 20mg/day
    3 20mg/day
    4 30mg/day
    5 30mg/day
    6 30mg/day
    7 30mg/day
    8 30mg/day
    9 30mg/day
    10 20mg/day
    11 20mg/day
    12 20mg/day
    Last edited by Matsuflex78; 03-05-2009 at 05:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Why are you tapering?
    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Matsuflex. Fresh off of tool academy are you??? No point in tapering.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    where did you come up with that cycle, it is NOT good

    What are your complete stats please

  5. #5
    Second cycle. Like I said not a novice to the body building just the anabolics. ence teh need for the advice. Would you say it is better to start strong and finish weaker or vice versa? Thanks for the replies.....

  6. #6
    and yes fresh off.........

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    It's best to keep the amounts stable throughout, unless you're frontloading. What did your first cycle consist of?

  8. #8
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    It is doubtful you will need Nolvadex while on cycle at those dosages.

  9. #9
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    I don't like it one bit......not enough of either compound....and the deca needs to be dropped 1-2 weeks before the end of the test

  10. #10
    sustenon 250, deca, dbol first cycle
    and what do you guys recommend on the nolva? wait unitl towards the end of the cycle to start and run through the 12th week?
    so i could stretch it out over ten weeks with 200 deca 200cyp/wk.......

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    suggestion: BUY more gear......

    gets annoying when all you noobs try to piecemeal cycles based on what you have laying around instead of getting the proper amounts of the compounds and planning the cycle ahead of time

  12. #12
    money and availablity arent the issue. thats why im asking. and a noob you were at one time too. Im sure you didnt come to this anabolic world a prodigy. Why do you think I am asking? because I am searching fo reducation to get the most out of my product and cycle.......Thanks for the CONSTRUCTIVE ideas. And Ruhl, why dont you show me a build that'll workwith test cyp and deca.....

    gets annoying when a noob is looking for advice and a non noob wants to discourage.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matsuflex78 View Post
    money and availablity arent the issue. thats why im asking. and a noob you were at one time too. Im sure you didnt come to this anabolic world a prodigy. Why do you think I am asking? because I am searching fo reducation to get the most out of my product and cycle.......Thanks for the CONSTRUCTIVE ideas. And Ruhl, why dont you show me a build that'll workwith test cyp and deca.....

    gets annoying when a noob is looking for advice and a non noob wants to discourage.
    test 500 for 12 weeks
    deca 400 for 10 weeks

    unless you're like 120 pounds those should be your doses....IMO of course

  14. #14
    thanks man. i appreciate it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    don't need nolva on cycle......keep letro on hand for gyno sides only

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    you could shorten i guess...realized ur first thing was only 8 weeks....just always you have to run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca

  17. #17

  18. #18
    only thing is the letro. I have nolva at my beckoned call but the letro is hard to get in my area....i know the letro is 95-97% effective it is just really hard to get a hold of. what do you guys suggest on the nolva. I know that any PCT is better than none at all!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matsuflex78 View Post
    only thing is the letro. I have nolva at my beckoned call but the letro is hard to get in my area....i know the letro is 95-97% effective it is just really hard to get a hold of. what do you guys suggest on the nolva. I know that any PCT is better than none at all!
    def still use nolva for pct...nolva and clomid is what i always use....

    you CAN get letro from the research chem sites...but i can't comment as to how good it is from the various makers. I'm not quite sure if you're set on nolva what to tell you because i know with nolva once you get symptoms and then start it you're pretty much screwed in the gyno dept.....gotta get someone else in here on this

  20. #20
    Thanks again. Anyone else have thoughts on the Nolva during or post cycle?

  21. #21
    ok. lets try the new "revised" cycle for opinions. (thanx ruhl for the suggestions) again stats are previously posted... please give thoughts on this one:

    1 - 8 deca 300/test cyp 400
    9-10 drop the deca and stick with the test cyp 400

    I am getting lots of conflicting advice on the Nolvadex throughout the cycle. Some say use it 20-30mg day through out some say its a waste. I have PLENTY to last throughout. I m in the process of obtaining the Letra (thanx again RUHL). But it is not in hand so I am not counting on it. I may post another thread in PCT but I am wondering if anyone has any actual results feedback good or bad from using the Nolva throughout. I am just leaning towards the mindset that it cant hurt (right?) and if taken daily through out it may ward off the start of any gyno etc......Thoughts?

  22. #22
    They cycle itself looks fine except for the pct. Don't run the nova during cycle unless you had problems with gyno already. At the first sign of gyno run the nolva.

    DO NOT start your cycle without some anti-e. I would suggest clomid. This part of your cycle is just as important as the test. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear cause it sounds like your thinking about starting without securing your anti-e. But trust me, if for some reason you can't get your hands on it you will have major regret.

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