After I lost 30lbs from injury hernieated disc t-5t-6 Dec 07and 10 weeks into my contest prep simulation May 9th 09
After I lost 30lbs from injury hernieated disc t-5t-6 Dec 07and 10 weeks into my contest prep simulation May 9th 09
Wow dude you shredded, Good job.
Keep up the Great work man ..
Ha yes, dont forget to Post your diet please for a 2Days-3 Days, It will Help many people, understand Carbohydrates Manipulation.
Thank you
I'll post a thorough outline of everything I did from day 1 until now and the final loading process.I just rolled out of bed and on my way to work so it'll be later this weekend .I want to see if I can have a natural bodybuilding sticky for this website and all will be answered accordingly.
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