So here I am, ready to rock and roll. Any estimates of BF%? My guess was 25.
So here I am, ready to rock and roll. Any estimates of BF%? My guess was 25.
I'd say maybe 18-20%
need a height and weight to even guess bro!! %tages work off totals
25% my call
I'd say 18% - 20%
height 5 11 (and 1/2), weight 205
about 22%
what are you rocking and rolling
No not the treadmill. But only because of an old knee injury. I have to stick to low impact cario. I'll be using a bike primarily. I guess the rock and rolling was a little vague. I meant I'm ready to start busting my ass and get in shape.
Last edited by Josh_g; 02-12-2010 at 09:28 AM.
no more than 25%
Thanks. It'll be be a long, but worthwhile endeaver. I'll update this weekly.
do you have your diet and workout routine in check?
Stevey- Yeah it's all in check. I have them posted in the diet and workout forums. Check them out!
Just a quick update. I spent Saturday and Sunday figuring out my exercises and the amount of weight I can handle. I made a chart with all of them and listed the weight for each exercise. I’ll jot down my increases in weight and reps as they come. I also went food and supplement shopping. Got some creatine (Cell Tech) and some protein and Pre workout drink (jack3d). Also picked up almost all of my food items. Just need some turkey but I can manage with chicken for now. The only thing I need to do still is pick up my bike. It should be ready after work tomorrow. Just a fun fact (for me anyway). I benched 210.2 and curled 122.5. I’m pleased I can do that much for as long as I’ve been away from the gym! That’s all for now. I’ll update again next Sunday.
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