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Thread: Liquid Letro effectiveness for removing gyno?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle

    Liquid Letro effectiveness for removing gyno?

    I've been dosing liquid letro from the lion at low doses for two weeks now and haven't seen any signs of my gyno decreasing. I used .25 - .5 mg for the first week, and I've slowly tapered up to almost 2 mg by the end of the second week. My question is, if I stay at 2 mg or even 2.5 mg for 2 or 3 weeks, should I see an improvement.

    My gyno isn't really that noticeable, its more just puffy nipples, although I do have a bump under the left one. They are both dripping sometimes if I squeeze or mess with them. Shouldn't letro be putting this to a stop by now, I thought it was pretty powerful stuff? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I do not know what to do....thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    sounds like progestin induced gyno.. did you run tren or deca? get some caber or prami to stack with it or get some vit b6.
    im going to the doc to try get my glands cut out.. no more worreing about gyno. mwahahahah

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    I just ran Mdrol for 4 weeks, and I used a serm and pct assist. I've been off for almost 3 months and it's still like this. What would you suggest I ran prami at if I am stacking it with letro? What about as a stand alone?

    What I may do is stay on the letro for a few more weeks and see if it goes down any. I am almost positive the gyno is prolactin induced.

  4. #4
    I was in the same boat mate. It takes a while more than 2-3 weeks sometimes (try 6) make sure your not taking adex or clomid while your taking letro I think i read somewhere that it reduces its effectiveness (someone back that up for me). Im on my second bottle now and gyno has reduced itself a fair bit. got the gyno from a shitty homebrew job done by my mate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    Hey man, you think I should order a second bottle of letro or go with a bottle of caber? I have clomid and nolva to help prevent rebound after the letro therapy is complete and I've tapered off. However, I am not taking any other supps while on the letro. Does anyone know if Letro is liver toxic? My liver isn't in amazing shape from the Mdrol.....

    Any insight would help fellas...thx.

  6. #6
    Im sure its fine on the liver, i have never heard of it being harmful. Personally it depends on the case of gyno. You might want to keep on for a while if you're half way through a bottle and havent seen too much change. Mine started to make a big difference when i ran out of the first bottle so I ordered another. As powerful as letro is, it just can take a while to work and its cheaper than surgery.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    Thanks for the advice man. I will prob wait a week or so and then order another bottle of letro and maybe even some prami. Once I figure out the prami doses I may stack, or save the prami to help cycle off the letro. Although, I was planning on stacking nolva and clomid tablets for a few weeks after I taper off the liquid letro.

    My whole dilemma is that I don't think it's estrogen induced, which gives my whole plan some doubts. Thanks for the help.

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