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Thread: Newbie question about Nolva and Letro

  1. #1

    Newbie question about Nolva and Letro

    Hi guys,

    I am a new member here and I am absolutely clueless about Prohormones and Steroids even though I have been working out for about 5 days a week religiously with a specific program for about 3-1/2 years now.

    If I suspected gyno or if I just happened to have more fat on both sides of the chest towards the armpit area, is it any beneficial to run a cycle of Nolva or Letro and/or both? Is it possible to get rid of this fat with any specific exercises to hit these areas?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I always use the saying "prevention is better than treatment". During any AAS cycle I like to include Exemestane to prevent any estrogenic related side effects to occur. Letro is not my cup of tea for many reasons but if I were to encounter gyno side effects in the nipple area I would try to battle it out with Tamoxiphene at a low dose. But first I would try my best to make sure it is in fact Gyno. I see too many people mistake it for Gyno when in fact it's just an increase in adipose tissue surrounding the nipple or extreme paranoia.

    And no, there aren't any specific weight lifting techniques to reduce fat but there is cardiovascular training like HIIT that would certainly assist along side the right nutrition program. Without the right food intake, reducing fat would be pretty difficult.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    UK Customs :S
    dude just go for a run 3 nights a week. thatle get your BF down and reduce the fat around the nipple/ chest.

    try not to rely on supplements/chems to sort everything out

    good ole sweat and hardwork will do the world of good!

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