Hey Everyone, Just wondering what size needle/syringe should i use for injecting?
I'm using Test E from 1ml p/w amps so i don't think i need to change the drawing needle with the injection needle since i am not piercing threw rubber?
These are the size needles i can get, i have a average size ass..
1. 23 G x 1.0 in. / 0.6 mm x 25 mm
2. 23 G x 3/4 in. / 0.6 mm x 20 mm
3. 23 G x 1 1/4 in. / 0.6 mm x 32 mm
4. 22 G x 1.5 in. / 0.7 mm x 40 mm
And for Syringe?
1. Integra 3 mL Syringe
2. 2 mL, Luer Slip Syringe (2 or 5ml)
3. 3 mL, Luer-Lok Syringe (3 or 5ml)
( i am only injecting 1ml p/w )