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Thread: What is the best????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    SO-CAl/ Studio City

    Exclamation What is the best????

    Hieght: 6'4
    Weight: 250
    Goal weight: 285 then Cut down again.
    I've been through a couple cycles before now seeking advice on what a good bulking stack would be to put on size and strength but try not to gain a ton of water retention or bloating also how long should I stay on for??? Then on my cutting stack what is the best stack, how long should I stay on that stack for???
    I'm very into powerlifting and im in a non tested federation.
    So any ideas fellas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Welcome to the board....

    How old are you?
    Whats your BF? You are a pretty big guy
    What kind of cycles have you ran in the past and what is your proposed cycle??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    SO-CAl/ Studio City

    I am 27
    and my bf is 15 1/2%
    I've ran dbol and sestanon with gh for a bulk
    and for a cutting jus clen with winni and tren with test prop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    DO you remember your dosages?

    And no one should design a cycle for you. We like to have people do and design there own as that causes them to do the necessary research to make the most out of what they are after

    Take your time and start reading through the stickies. This isn't a sprint, its a marathon and you will only do yourself a serve by reading and researching.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    SO-CAl/ Studio City
    It was 1cc of sest mon/thur of every week
    Dbol was at 40mg a day
    Gh was 40mcg a day
    .................................................. .............
    The cutting stack i did was
    liquid clen at 60mcgs morning and night
    Winni was 1/2 cc morning and night
    Then 1cc of test prop and 1cc of tren every other day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    GH is measured in international units (iu) not mcg... head on down to the steroid profile forums. or hit up one of the starter packs here in the Q+A section. its what i did and never really needed to ask any questions cause all the answers are right here in front of you. just gotta open your eyes and know how to navigate the forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    SO-CAl/ Studio City
    Holy crap My bad I meant 4 iu's a day sorry haha that was very very dumb of me to say. And and I love those forums you sent me to there very educational thank you for that good sir! One last question for ya. From a lot of my friends I have heard mixed reviews about igf-1 some say they would rather do gh instead and others say the opposite. In your personal opinion what you think? I've read up on it but am interested in your input on that matter cause sometimes personal experience from a vet is top quality stuff cause obviously they have been around a lot longer and well are Vet's haha.
    Any input would be awesome thanks!
    Oh and im just asking for future reference!
    Last edited by JusLiftIt; 02-11-2011 at 08:18 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have never done Igf-1 or GH so I have no personal experience of either. Im still in the beginner cycle section lol. I just put a lot of work into my diet and training foremost to get big and the drugs later.. I need to something to fall back on as I begin to progess to the elite level of bodybuilding.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    SO-CAl/ Studio City
    Nice I trained with a IFBB Pro bodybuilder before he used to be a home town hero haha he deff was always educating himself 24/7 he always said start small then take baby steps with gear, build your way almost feel your way with the gear your using thats how he learned and by asking tons of questions.

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