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Thread: Question on how big your can get...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Question on how big your can get...

    Quick question guys,Is it possible to get as big as cody lewis and nick medci just by running a few cycles?

    Here is a pic of Cody Lewis n nick medci if any one is unfamiliar with them,Both around 20 yo now

    Obviously a ton of factors play in like years training,genetics,etc but did these guys just run a few cycles?or are they blasting and cruising?And playing with peptides as well?

    Reason im asking is because i know a few people who are around 250+ off season and say they only ran around 2-4 cycles,So now im thinking is it possible to get as big as these 2 without cruising


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    they just take creatine and hydroxycut. simple as that. Probably take like six weeks though if you can wait lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Im looking for a serious response,im gonna be competing in a few NPC comps this year and want to know

  4. #4
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    Midland, MI
    Far from being an expert here, but even with EVERY factor on their side, I doubt anyone can look like that running just 1 or 2 cycles... every guy I know that are half the size of these guys have been pumpimg for a bit...


  5. #5
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    ALOT of training ALOT of hours, ALOT of dieting and ALOT of aas.

  6. #6
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    Midland, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    ALOT of training ALOT of hours, ALOT of dieting and ALOT of aas.
    Sorry man, little new to this forum's slang...

    What's aas?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    ALOT of training ALOT of hours, ALOT of dieting and ALOT of aas.
    Yes figured that,But question is are they running cycles or are they cruising on aas and not getting off.I was just talking to a kid who is gonna compete at teen nationals and he went from 180 natty with a good base to 250 huge right now and he said its his 3rd cycle and hes on a gram of test and prob other shit as well.But if this kid is at 250 and only ran 3 cycles im very impressed as hes prob not far away from those 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Joey514 View Post
    Sorry man, little new to this forum's slang...

    What's aas?

    anabolic-androgen steroids

  8. #8
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    Jun 2009
    Bro we got this guy Reed here.When he 1st got here.He had to run around in the shower to get wet.Thats how small he was.Then he read one of those Charles Atlas ads about getting big.6 mos later he's a giant.Check him out.He's huge.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Bro we got this guy Reed here.When he 1st got here.He had to run around in the shower to get wet.Thats how small he was.Then he read one of those Charles Atlas ads about getting big.6 mos later he's a giant.Check him out.He's huge.

  10. #10
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    Reed is actually a great example of what can be accomplished. He keeps his dosages fairly low..... he cycles off...... and he looks great. He also competes......

    How well you maintain your gains depends on a lot of things..... but there will come a point where it'll get extremilly difficult to hold onto the size. Thats when one may have to consider cruising/blasting......


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Reed is actually a great example of what can be accomplished. He keeps his dosages fairly low..... he cycles off...... and he looks great. He also competes......

    How well you maintain your gains depends on a lot of things..... but there will come a point where it'll get extremilly difficult to hold onto the size. Thats when one may have to consider cruising/blasting......

    Solid post,thanks man

    Can u link me to this reed guy?maybe pics or cycls logs?

  12. #12
    I can pretty much guarantee you they never come off and no way a few cycles will do it unless you are blessed in the 0.5 percentile of incredible genetics, especially for nick medici

  13. #13
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    I think a whole lot of it depends on what your natural genetics predispose you to. What I mean by this is if you take two guys with the same training/diet background and one is 6'2" and 240 at 12% naturally and he bulks up to 260 at 16% off season then drops to 215 at 6% its going to be a lot easier to function by cycling than it is for the guy who is 6'2" and 210 at 12% natural and achieves the same 215 at 6% by AAS. But I could be completly wrong, it just seems that the guy with a huge natural base who mostly just has to shred to compete will be more likely to be able to cycle and achieve his goals than a guy with a average base who needs to both gain mass and shred to compete.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    I can pretty much guarantee you they never come off and no way a few cycles will do it unless you are blessed in the 0.5 percentile of incredible genetics, especially for nick medici
    Sup misc brah,that's what I figured but I was just talking to some kid who competes and he's is HUGE at 250 and says he's on his 3rd cycle,so that got me thinking if he's that big off of only 3 cycles

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tough92 View Post
    Sup misc brah,that's what I figured but I was just talking to some kid who competes and he's is HUGE at 250 and says he's on his 3rd cycle,so that got me thinking if he's that big off of only 3 cycles
    genetics is everything bro. plus who knows what kinds of dosages and compounds he uses

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I think a whole lot of it depends on what your natural genetics predispose you to. What I mean by this is if you take two guys with the same training/diet background and one is 6'2" and 240 at 12% naturally and he bulks up to 260 at 16% off season then drops to 215 at 6% its going to be a lot easier to function by cycling than it is for the guy who is 6'2" and 210 at 12% natural and achieves the same 215 at 6% by AAS. But I could be completly wrong, it just seems that the guy with a huge natural base who mostly just has to shred to compete will be more likely to be able to cycle and achieve his goals than a guy with a average base who needs to both gain mass and shred to compete.
    Not sure I understood correctly but your saying it would be better to get a good nateral base first then get on aas?yes that's obvious but what if there is a set time?

    Say 2 indiviuals same gentics/training/diet/etc both have say 1 year and a 4 months to compete and get into contest shape by that end time

    Who would end up looking better at the end of the year and 4 months?
    Person A who hopped on gear after 2months training natty
    Person B who hopped on gear after training 6 months natty

    Think I changed the whole quedtion around but do u get what I'm asking?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tough92 View Post
    Not sure I understood correctly but your saying it would be better to get a good nateral base first then get on aas?yes that's obvious but what if there is a set time?

    Say 2 indiviuals same gentics/training/diet/etc both have say 1 year and a 4 months to compete and get into contest shape by that end time

    Who would end up looking better at the end of the year and 4 months?
    Person A who hopped on gear after 2months training natty
    Person B who hopped on gear after training 6 months natty

    Think I changed the whole quedtion around but do u get what I'm asking?
    That's like saying if I got a 10 second head start in a foot race against my buddy who is equally as fast who would win?

    Of course the guy who's been on gear longer would be bigger and stronger if everything was identical, but under no circumstance would that ever be true

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Tough92 View Post
    Not sure I understood correctly but your saying it would be better to get a good nateral base first then get on aas?yes that's obvious but what if there is a set time?

    Say 2 indiviuals same gentics/training/diet/etc both have say 1 year and a 4 months to compete and get into contest shape by that end time

    Who would end up looking better at the end of the year and 4 months?
    Person A who hopped on gear after 2months training natty
    Person B who hopped on gear after training 6 months natty

    Think I changed the whole quedtion around but do u get what I'm asking?
    Person A, but no two men are created equally (unless they are twins)

  19. #19
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    Apr 2008
    Nobody is gonna be able to tell you what you will be able to do. Start off smart. Cycle on and off. The work is containing in the diet and training. How hard and dedicated are you willing to be not what drugs will get me there the fastest.

    They are right I cycle on and off. I do one long cycle before the show and slowly ramp up or add in strong AAS as I approach the date. I keep it basic. NO GH, t3, clen
    Cycle I was on for this avy was

    test p- 50mg ed
    tren a- 50mg ed
    winny- 100mg ed

    3 weeks before the show.

    I would definitely get you a natural base first so you can rely on heavier doses as you move on up. Why would there be a set time? Are you over 30? then the probodybuilding boat has already passed.

  20. #20
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    Last edited by biobest692; 11-26-2021 at 01:07 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Nobody is gonna be able to tell you what you will be able to do. Start off smart. Cycle on and off. The work is containing in the diet and training. How hard and dedicated are you willing to be not what drugs will get me there the fastest.

    They are right I cycle on and off. I do one long cycle before the show and slowly ramp up or add in strong AAS as I approach the date. I keep it basic. NO GH, t3, clen
    Cycle I was on for this avy was

    test p- 50mg ed
    tren a- 50mg ed
    winny- 100mg ed

    3 weeks before the show.

    I would definitely get you a natural base first so you can rely on heavier doses as you move on up. Why would there be a set time? Are you over 30? then the probodybuilding boat has already passed.
    Thanks for replies guys.reed I'm at work do u mind if I shoot u a pm wen I get home?also no were near 30

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Reed, what were your stats when you started and like experience and what not? im curious on your gains youve made that people are talking about

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