Originally Posted by
Nobody is gonna be able to tell you what you will be able to do. Start off smart. Cycle on and off. The work is containing in the diet and training. How hard and dedicated are you willing to be not what drugs will get me there the fastest.
They are right I cycle on and off. I do one long cycle before the show and slowly ramp up or add in strong AAS as I approach the date. I keep it basic. NO GH, t3, clen
Cycle I was on for this avy was
test p- 50mg ed
tren a- 50mg ed
winny- 100mg ed
3 weeks before the show.
I would definitely get you a natural base first so you can rely on heavier doses as you move on up. Why would there be a set time? Are you over 30? then the probodybuilding boat has already passed.