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Thread: Just ordered gear, first time user, have a few Q's for people that have experience.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Wink Just ordered gear, first time user, have a few Q's for people that have experience.

    Hello everyone, just joined this forum, bout to start my first cycle ever. 13wks of 400mg eq, 500mg test and .25 anastrozol. + post. I do have a few questions. right now I hit the gym 5 or 6 days a week, I am 25yrs 6' 1" 180lbs 12%bf 14.4 inch biceps, been working out hardcore for a year and half ish. and half assed it a lot before then.I estimating I will end up being 200-210 after my cycle post waterweight. My question to the knowledgeable people in this forum is

    A: I am worried about how I will act to the girl I am dating, will I be more of a dick? I am very timid normally to people and control myself very well, but I have underlying anger issues with intimate objects (i broke a laptop in half once, and a cellphone too) also, I tend to be more of a smartass when Im drunk, I didnt know if that would come out more.. as I am trying to keep this all under wraps, especially to the girl.

    B: Obviously a bodybuilder will know im taking gear, but do you think the excuse "I just take creatine and work out all the time" will fly with my friends and family?

    I am in this 100% and will do it no matter what, I just want to minimize collateral damage, steroids have such undeserved negative connotations..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    Hello everyone, just joined this forum, bout to start my first cycle ever. 13wks of 400mg eq, 500mg test and .25 anastrozol. + post. I do have a few questions. right now I hit the gym 5 or 6 days a week, I am 25yrs 6' 1" 180lbs 12%bf 14.4 inch biceps, been working out hardcore for a year and half ish. and half assed it a lot before then.I estimating I will end up being 200-210 after my cycle post waterweight. My question to the knowledgeable people in this forum is

    A: I am worried about how I will act to the girl I am dating, will I be more of a dick? I am very timid normally to people and control myself very well, but I have underlying anger issues with intimate objects (i broke a laptop in half once, and a cellphone too) also, I tend to be more of a smartass when Im drunk, I didnt know if that would come out more.. as I am trying to keep this all under wraps, especially to the girl
    simple, if your a dic* w/o steroids you could possibly be a bigger dic* when your ego gets inflated because you grew in size and you think your a bad ass

    B: Obviously a bodybuilder will know im taking gear, but do you think the excuse "I just take creatine and work out all the time" will fly with my friends and family?

    doubt it

    I am in this 100% and will do it no matter what, I just want to minimize collateral damage, steroids have such undeserved negative connotations..
    you already seem to think your gonna have problems as well as think your just gonna shoot steroids and put on 30lbs it sounds like you cleary have no idea wha you are doing and have done zero research. i would think twice and do some research

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    I am in this 100% and will do it no matter what, I just want to minimize collateral damage, steroids have such undeserved negative connotations..
    This statement by itself is the wrong attitude to have about it. If it's not the right thing for you, it's not. That said, the cycle is a little heavy for a first timer. You could be risking a little too much for no real gain. I'd stick with the test by itself, in your shoes. 500 mg/week of Test is plenty for any first cycle. In addition, 30 lbs of sustainable muscle is a little high for expectations.
    As for your questions:
    Steroids will increase your natural aggression. They won't cause it. If you are a generally calm person, you shouldn't really have to worry. As for your family/friends, it all depends on the person. If any of them have experience with steroids, they'll know. A lot of people don't know anything about it though, and assume it's so fringe that only the massive guys in the gym are using. I wouldn't worry on that front.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    you already seem to think your gonna have problems as well as think your just gonna shoot steroids and put on 30lbs it sounds like you cleary have no idea wha you are doing and have done zero research. i would think twice and do some research
    clearly you dont understand where Im coming from, I already know about the pharmaceutical side of things, proper diet and workout.. I know everything I need to do.. and NO SHIT you cant just shoot up and get big, I have done all my research, I just wanted the opinions of some people on there personal experience with the emotional side of things? If I wanted your cookie cutter response that you send to everyone you think is a "noob" I would have asked for it... Anyway... does anyone have any real advice pertaining to the question?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    This statement by itself is the wrong attitude to have about it. If it's not the right thing for you, it's not. That said, the cycle is a little heavy for a first timer. You could be risking a little too much for no real gain. I'd stick with the test by itself, in your shoes. 500 mg/week of Test is plenty for any first cycle. In addition, 30 lbs of sustainable muscle is a little high for expectations.
    As for your questions:
    Steroids will increase your natural aggression. They won't cause it. If you are a generally calm person, you shouldn't really have to worry. As for your family/friends, it all depends on the person. If any of them have experience with steroids, they'll know. A lot of people don't know anything about it though, and assume it's so fringe that only the massive guys in the gym are using. I wouldn't worry on that front.
    Thank you for the input! I appreciate it! the reason I went with that setup was because I have a good friend who is veteran and thats what he recommended, I can see how he may have over done it a bit. I will have to think about that

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    clearly you dont understand where Im coming from, I already know about the pharmaceutical side of things, proper diet and workout.. I know everything I need to do.. and NO SHIT you cant just shoot up and get big, I have done all my research, I just wanted the opinions of some people on there personal experience with the emotional side of things? If I wanted your cookie cutter response that you send to everyone you think is a "noob" I would have asked for it... Anyway... does anyone have any real advice pertaining to the question?
    oh sorry your right i just looked a your stats and you clearly know what your doing as far as training and diet are concerned, your a monster 14" guns. sorry my bad.
    good luck

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    oh sorry your right i just looked a your stats and you clearly know what your doing as far as training and diet are concerned, your a monster sorry my bad.
    good luck
    Im not at all a monster, hence the reason I got the gear infact I would consider myself small.. I dont want to be 250lbs, thats not my goal, I will be happy to just get up to my natural lean muscle levels. after getting my T levels tested, measuring my wrist and ankles, my biological max would be around 17 inch biceps at 20%bf give or take.. , Im sure you do get a lot of ppl on here who just think you can instantly get huge by doing nothing but steroids alone with no diet or working out.. but im not that stupid. anyway, I will message you back after my cycle, If I dont make any gains I will be sure to let you know..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    Im not at all a monster, hence the reason I got the gear infact I would consider myself small.. I dont want to be 250lbs, thats not my goal, I will be happy to just get up to my natural lean muscle levels. after getting my T levels tested, measuring my wrist and ankles, my biological max would be around 17 inch biceps at 20%bf give or take.. , Im sure you do get a lot of ppl on here who just think you can instantly get huge by doing nothing but steroids alone with no diet or working out.. but im not that stupid. anyway, I will message you back after my cycle, If I dont make any gains I will be sure to let you know..
    why would you wanna be at 20% bf
    don't you feel you can get to 200-210 naturally with proper diet?
    Last edited by MBMETC; 03-11-2011 at 02:20 PM.

  9. #9
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    To answer your one question..... If my wife still believes I use creatine and protein powder..... i'm sure you'll be able to pull it off


  10. #10
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    As far as people and the gains go, keep in mind in most areas most will only be seeing you in your street clothes this time of year so your increases will not be super apparent. As far as your girl goes the main problem I see as far as her is the likelyhood you will be sexually very hungry and then in PCT the opposite will be the case.

    Don't take this wrong but if you are timid and take out anger on inatimate objects you may find that the new found confidence and percieved strength causes your fight or flight more toward the fight side of the equation with people so be aware of this and act cautiously in situations that anger you ( Road Rage, Guys hitting on your girl in a bar, whatever sets you off) and as far as drinking by all means while on cycle stay clear of alcohol as often in cases of synergism 1+1=3 keep all that in mind and you should be fine.

    As far as the cycle I agree no need for the EQ this cycle save it for the future, find out how your body responds to straight test now.

  11. #11
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    don't you feel you can get to 200-210 naturally with proper diet?[/QUOTE]

    I do feel I could get to 210 naturally but quite honestly Im somewhat impatient, my hopes are to gain with gear, then work on keeping what ive gained and at that point just do what I can naturally..

  12. #12
    well you already sound like a massive d bag. so to answer your question, yes you will also be a massive d bag while on the cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    oh sorry your right i just looked a your stats and you clearly know what your doing as far as training and diet are concerned, your a monster 14" guns. sorry my bad.
    good luck
    HAHAHAH there 14.4" btw, not 14"

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbossofdariver View Post
    well you already sound like a massive d bag. so to answer your question, yes you will also be a massive d bag while on the cycle.
    Please try to keep your comments a little more constructive, this is a non flaming board.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by iGoHard508 View Post
    HAHAHAH there 14.4" btw, not 14"
    Please try to keep your comments a little more constructive, this is a non flaming board.

  16. #16
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    It was a little funny though, but my bad. I'll watch it with those kinds of comments bro

  17. #17
    Hey man I cant give you any advice as a pro. But i believe i have done alot of research and selected the best cycle for my first time. I also have a long time friend who is a pro bodybuilder thats uses gear. The first cycle he suggested for me was also close to what you had suggested. After tons of research it honestly to me seemed like a waste of money for a first cycle to be so big. The reasons for that are because since your body is producing its own test. your body will take a little time saturating in the new foreign test, and depending on your natural test levels will ultimately depend on your gains. Now with that being said you might do 500mg test and use some ana50 to kick start the cycle and after 10-12 weeks gain 18-21lbs and if done correctly keep 12-16 of it. and only be out the cost of the ana/test. Or you could do the bigger cycle, use 500mg of test, ana, and eq spend more money.. throw your naturally body levels way out of whack, and still only gain that 18-21lbs. then crash on your PCT from being so leaned out from the EQ and keep 10lbs of your gain and spent way more money. hopefully this comes across right, but what im trying to get at is your first cycle should be basic! stick with no more than 500mg of test personally i would suggest 300mgs/ and test pinned on Monday and Thursday, kick start your cycle with ana50 for 4 weeks, follow through with a proper PCT! after that cycle time off = time on and start your second cycle. Maybe this time up your test and then add a EQ or an anavar at the most. Im 6'6 225lb 12%bf and i chose,a simple cycle and seeing great results and saved money Now as agression, everyone is different but this is my first cycle and im having no trouble. But i do believe you must keep a good, clean head on your shoulders while on gear. And by following that im having no trouble. As far as what to tell your g/f and people. i told my g/f that i started mega dosing my creatine/ BCAA's, i also was using simple pro-hormone cycle from a nutrition store. and she never has asked. as for people i tell them its hard work and to get there ass in the gym hope this helps a little. comming from a first time user to another.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    I do feel I could get to 210 naturally but quite honestly Im somewhat impatient, my hopes are to gain with gear, then work on keeping what ive gained and at that point just do what I can naturally..
    Dude this is the wrong reason to cycle, there are no shortcuts in building a body it take intense diet and training neither of which you clearly have not put in. You could run your cycle and ya you'll gain 15-20lbs even with a crap diet because this is what could still be achieved naturally all you did was cheat. Without diet and training knowledge those gains will be gone before you know it and you'll be back in the same boat. If you work hard and get to your natural limit in growth and run a cycle the gains you make will be easier to keep because you will more than likely have the diet and knowledge to keep them because of the hard work you out in to get there.
    Good luck on what ever you decide, but IMO I would hold off for now and of for know and get your diet worked out

  19. #19
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    I pretty much told everybody, but work, I´m trying a cycle of AAS. Girlfriend, friends....what´s the big deal...really?
    Like during prohibition, you can´t tell your GF that you´re having a drink, just because some bureaucrats decide it is illegal.
    I rented a Corvette recently, and had some fun....130 in 75 zone. Illegal, but I told my GF and friends.
    What would your GF do? Leave you?
    Seriously, to all, educate your wife/GF about the safe use of AAS, instead of keeping secrets from the one you love.
    I call that immature.
    And to some, it will give you a "negative feedback loop" faster than using Arimidex during PCT :-)

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    To answer your one question..... If my wife still believes I use creatine and protein powder..... i'm sure you'll be able to pull it off

    haha yes!!! this gives me hope as well!

  21. #21
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    im not defending this guy, but i think its a lock that the first few threads ppl post when they are new here are usually dumb. i know mine were. give him a break i guess is what im saying. how many ppl here started cycling when they were at their natural limit? not many.
    so to the OP to answer your questions..

    A. if ur a drunk idiot u will be more of a drunk idiot...hopefully u dont plan on drinking too much on cycle.just dont be a jerk, be conscious of it.

    B. the only ppl that might question u are the ones that see you all the time.

    and in reference to your gains. will probably gain at least 20 lbs. its up to you whether its quality and you keep some of it or if your bloated up and dont eat right and train right then youll lose it all.

  22. #22
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    Thanks for all the input guys, I especially like "well you already sound like a massive d bag. so to answer your question, yes you will also be a massive d bag while on the cycle." that was hilarious, made my day. Anyway, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have really learned a lot from the posts!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by djra8 View Post
    Thanks for all the input guys, I especially like "well you already sound like a massive d bag. so to answer your question, yes you will also be a massive d bag while on the cycle." that was hilarious, made my day. Anyway, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have really learned a lot from the posts!
    so after coming on here and blantantly disrespecting a member, you think you're gonna be treated like a friend?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by djra8;5563201[B
    ]I do feel I could get to 210 naturally but quite honestly Im somewhat impatient, my hopes are to gain with gear, then work on keeping what ive gained and at that point just do what I can naturally..[/B]
    you will be ten times happier if you naturally increase your weight to its natural limit before you start using. If not you will just yo-yo the weight back and forth 25 lbs at a time. Ask any veteran on here they probably gain maybe 10 lbs a cycle and are lucky if they can keep 5-8 lbs of it. The guys you hear of gaining 30 lbs while on cycle is because they started way under their natural limit. It will make maintaining your gains very difficult if you do it this way.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbossofdariver View Post
    so after coming on here and blantantly disrespecting a member, you think you're gonna be treated like a friend?
    By no means am I an expert, I have a lot to learn, but someone implying that I believe I can just do steroids and get big without even working out or proper diet is just ridiculous, Did I insult his intelligence? no.. Im not trying to disrespect anyone, Im just opinionated.. you should lighten up dude. So far most people on here seem to be very helpful despite my noobishness and I was merely thanking them.

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