I've been off-cycle for about three months now. Last cycle was the first time i ran tren, and I am quite certain that it is the culprit here.
My problem: I have followed clomid therapy to the letter, and am still taking 75mg ED. My testicles have not returned to full size and are actually somewhat pear shaped, larger at one than than the other. They use to be ovals.
I was at 215 end of cycle. I was down to 202 (204 now due to IGF-1 LR3). My energy is somewhat laging and my concentration is off. These all make me think that my testicles have not returned to normal functionand testosterone production.
I am currently pestering my sources for HCG, but for what ever reason there is a hold up. I will eventaully get it in, just not soon enough.
My question: I was planning my next cycle to start in January. Should I wait on this cycle until I feel my testes are back in order, or should I begin the cycle and just make it a point to take regular shots of 500iu HCG?
If I should wait until full testicle function returns, how long should I wait to begin the cycle?