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Thread: T3 help please!!!!

  1. #1

    T3 help please!!!!

    I was wanting to add T3 into my cycle to get the little bit of extra fat off but have heard of people putting all the weight and more back on after they have come off of them.

    My question is how much truth is there behind this and has it happened to anyone else. If you have taken them what was your experience was with them.

    As if all them question was not enough which is the best t3, t4 or t5 for fat loss?

    Thanks for all your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    t3 for fatloss for sure, adding it in is great for shedding extra weight of course, u need to keep your protein high aswell and or be on some anabolics to stay anti catabolic. your thyroid will come back, some ppl it recovers faster then others, most ppl get theres coming back in 3-4, when ever coming off t3 dont think now that ur leaner/lean/shredded u can eat what u want, biggest mistake u can make.u will gain alot of fat back very quickly. when coming off keep ur cals a bit lower then u would normally and keep doing a bit of cardio for the first few weeks. you dont have to taper up when starting as it wont affect your thyroid at all, start with 75 a day and go up from there, but when coming off of it i would taper down slowly and go to 25 for a few days then 12.5 for a day before coming off completely.

  3. #3
    Would T4 and T5 have the same fat burning effects but without the worry of putting
    It all back on and not messing up your thyroids??

    And which would you do if it was you t3 or clen??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    T5 is not a thryroid hormone. It is just an ECA product and has no real place in this discussion.

    And I've never experienced any rebound coming off T3. But then again, I naturally have good thyroid function and I don't go and stuff my face when I come off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I agree with being very careful with T3 or at least a Clen/T3 stack...I lost some serious muscle this winter cause I thought being on 500mg of test per week I didnt need to watch my protein as close...big mistake...burned fat like no other though

  6. #6
    I think I have a lazy thyroid I can put weight on really quickly but find it really hard to loose. I don't want to take T3's and then make it worse

    Do you think this is the case or will it just got back to normal after a few weeks??

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