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Thread: looking into 1st cycle

  1. #1

    looking into 1st cycle

    Hey everyone i posted on hear a few weeks ago about my first cycle.. i was advised that i was to heavy and to work on my diet.

    Which i am and it is working excellent . I still have a few more pounds to loose before i start my first cycle.

    I dont want to use test for a first cycle do to the extensive waight gain that comes with it.

    So i was thinking

    anavar 50mgs ed for 8 weeks
    liquid stane 12.5mgs eod for 8 weeks (oct)
    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20 (pct)

    Im trying to get my hands on hcg. If i can 250-500 iu eg weeks 4-8.

    Would this be a good cycle for someone like me on a first cycle?

  2. #2
    Any input would be much appreciated

  3. #3
    Stick to cutting weight 1st... Cut yourself.. Turn them lbs into muscle, ull prob find you can get good results with just good training, cardio and diet....

    Try that before thinking of taking anything... Also if you decide to take steroids do research! Don't just half ass it.. N take what you read other ppl take...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    If you're not looking to build muscle (gain weight), maybe have a look into Clenbuterol whilst dialing in your diet and training.

    I just wouldn't advise getting into any AAS without having test as a base...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Oral only cycles are ill-advised. Var could be an exception. some don't have an issue with libido or ED on a var only cycle, others do. at that dose, most likely partially shut down your natty test production. Impossible to predict ahead of time the effect that dose will have on you. tell your woman what you are doing, and if the libido begins to wane, at least she will know what is going on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    Anavar only cycle isn't the best choice for a first cycle. I would look into getting some Test E and running it 12 weeks with the last weeks including your Anavar.

    If it's Anavar only, you don't need an AI, Anavar does not aromatize. HCG I don't believe would be necessary either on an Anavar only cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Have you tried Albu? I am thing about running it instead of Clen. I have not make up my mind I have read that Albu will get you the same results with less sides. The bad thing is that you have to take multiple doses.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    If you're not looking to build muscle (gain weight), maybe have a look into Clenbuterol whilst dialing in your diet and training.

    I just wouldn't advise getting into any AAS without having test as a base...

  8. #8
    Thanks for the advice.

    Since everyone says to run test with it i might do that... i can easily get my hands on test prop. Would this be an appropriate test for a beginner like me or should i try to find something else.

    And sorry i didnt mean i dont want to gain muscle weight. Just no water retension weight... i want the most real muscle i can get without loosing it at the end of the cylce.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Prop is great. All though you have to pin more often than with c or e. but you can start pct a lot earlier with prop.

  10. #10
    If anyone wants to no my diet.

    7:30- 5 egg whites with 1/4 fat free mozzarella
    9:30- 40g of pure whey protien with no additives in 2 cups of skim milk
    11:30- 4oz of chicken or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a bannana
    1:30- same as 9:30
    3:30- same as 11:30
    4:00- gym with minimum 30min. Cardio
    As soon as im done usually around 6:30-700 4 scoops of protien, peanut butter,1 bananna or apple,2 cups of milk, blended in ice..

    Absolutely no cheating and no exceptions... and that is everysingle day

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Bro drop the shakes and add real food. Food is great. But you has to eat it. Don't get me wrong if you have to have a shake it's better than nothing. But it doesn't take the place of food.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    take an ai that will help with water.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    Ok thanks... not gunna lie that diet is starting to get old real fast... but it is working. The first week i dropped 9lbs and 4 the second... but on the 3rd and 4th i gained 3lbs each week but still lost body fat...

    Just weight myself td and im droppin weight again. I lost 4" around my waist so far. I have another 15lbs before i wanna start anything.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    What was you starting weight? Damn. What are your stats? Congrats on the weight loss

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Killa Cali
    You should hit the diet section and get the diet sorted out. I wouldn't include peanut butter in a PWO shake.

  16. #16
    The last time i posted i said i was 6'2" 270 with and estimated 27% bf..
    The next day i went to my doctors for a physical and had all that checked. Turns out i was heavier then i thought (scale not calibrated i guess) i am actually 6'2" 279 but my bf% was less then i thought at 25%.

    So with a new scale that i purchased my total weight is at 268lbs and i went from a 42" waist to a 38" waist.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2001
    do go by the scale, go by your bf% or measurements

    if you loose 5lbs of fat and gain 2 of muscle thats only 3lbs on the scale but a pretty decent change
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07
    If anyone wants to no my diet.

    7:30- 5 egg whites with 1/4 fat free mozzarella
    9:30- 40g of pure whey protien with no additives in 2 cups of skim milk
    11:30- 4oz of chicken or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a bannana
    1:30- same as 9:30
    3:30- same as 11:30
    4:00- gym with minimum 30min. Cardio
    As soon as im done usually around 6:30-700 4 scoops of protien, peanut butter,1 bananna or apple,2 cups of milk, blended in ice..

    Absolutely no cheating and no exceptions... and that is everysingle day
    No where near enough carbs bud

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by nickyrog

    No where near enough carbs bud
    U should still add some rice and oats.. And get more hole foods.. Not so many shakes

  20. #20
    I was trying to cut most of my carbs out of my diet. i tend to gain weight really fast when having any sort of carbs

  21. #21
    I no carbs are the main source of anybody's energy but cutting them out hasnt effected me.

  22. #22
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    I was trying to cut most of my carbs out of my diet. i tend to gain weight really fast when having any sort of carbs
    then you need to get your macros right.
    post your exact diet with macros
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #23
    I plan on revising my diet again.. alot of ppl are telling me to cut most of the shakes out.. so i will do so.

    I plan on having plain oat meal for my 2nd of the day. And maybe some brown rice for my 4th meal

  24. #24
    If i do decide to use test prop. How much should i take? I was told 100mgs eod. Does that sound right?

  25. #25
    Also if i do pin prop should i use the liquid stane eod opposite of the test (meaning day 1 test, day 2 ai, 3 test, 4 ai, etc..)

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    Also if i do pin prop should i use the liquid stane eod opposite of the test (meaning day 1 test, day 2 ai, 3 test, 4 ai, etc..)
    doesnt matter
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07 View Post
    If i do decide to use test prop. How much should i take? I was told 100mgs eod. Does that sound right?
    yes, that's a good dose for a first cycle.

  28. #28
    I ran into a little problem in getting test prop.... i was told i can get it but i got a call today and was to he was all out of prop... instead he has sust.250.

    Will this be sufficient enough for me or is the prop better.

    And if i can take the sust what dosage should i take?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07
    I ran into a little problem in getting test prop.... i was told i can get it but i got a call today and was to he was all out of prop... instead he has sust.250.

    Will this be sufficient enough for me or is the prop better.

    And if i can take the sust what dosage should i take?
    500mgs/week of Sus is what I did for my first cycle. At 15% (ish) body fat I ran into estrogen-related sides, so I would highly recommend an AI such as Arimidex @ .2mgs/eod throughout.

    Pin eod as well to take advantage of the prop that is in Sus.

    And of course run a proper pct.

  30. #30
    I have liquid st.ane and was going to run 12.5mgs eod. Will that work well enough instead of arimide

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by needbusa07
    I have liquid st.ane and was going to run 12.5mgs eod. Will that work well enough instead of arimide
    Yes. Good to go. You could even start at a lower dosage and adjust accordingly.

  32. #32
    Ok thanks for the input

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