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Thread: HA Knee injection mishap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan

    HA Knee injection mishap

    Well, i'm sitting in my recliner with my leg up. went to the doc today for my knee injections. the prior two weeks were a bit more painful than before in the prior two years. Last week, it was the right knee that was painful. Today, it was the left. the dose is 2cc (ML) of HA, into the bursa, behind the knee cap. so she buries the needle about an inch, and begins to dump her load. half way through, it was really getting painful, and i told her to pull out. I had actually broke a sweat. she asked if we should continue or stop. I told her to reinsert the needle and let's finish. Again with the pain. She goes slowly, and finishes.

    It's been about 6 hours now, and i still cannot straighten the knee all the way, or bend it all the way, without significant pressure that turns into pain as I continue to increase range of motion.

    I'm thinking that maybe I should not have exercised my legs yesterday? Usually, i wait a few days post injection to exercise. The last two weeks, I exercised 1 day preinjection. Maybe that was a mistake? Perhaps the tissue swells post exercise, and is why 2ml injected 1 day post exercise is problematic?

    Food for thought if you happen to take HA Knee injections like i do....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    OUCH, doesnt sound like fun. I now all about the breaking sweat due to pain as you are aware. LOL Now imagine doing that; breaking a sweat due to pain, full body sweat every 20 - 30 minutes for 3 days for 5+ minutes at a time. Yeah not much fun.

    Have them numb it first next time or take an extra vicodin or two before you go in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I want to feel the pain, it tells me if she is screwing up. I don't mind pain, as it serves a useful purpose. I just don't like stupid pain if it's not productive.

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