Monday- Back/biceps/calfs
-Wide reverse grip pull ups with weight belt- 4 sets
-seated rows- 4 sets
-dumbell rows- 4 sets
-preacher curls with dumbell- 5 sets
-calf raises with smith machine standing on a 2x4- 4 sets
-seated calf raises- 4 sets
Tuesday- Chest/shoulders
-DB bench press- 4 sets
-Incline DB bench press- 4 sets
-Cable flys- 4 sets
-upright rows- 4 sets
-front delt raise- 4 sets
Wednesday- off
Thursday- Legs
-squats- 8 sets
-leg extensions- 4 sets
Friday- triceps/ calfs
-push downs- 4 sets
-seated overhead tricep extensions- 4 sets
-Calf routine is same as monday
Sat./Sun. off
-Goal is to put on some size. Legs are already pretty decent so im not too concerned but do not want to neglect them. I will be lifting heavy and staying in the 6-8 rep range for all lifts. I dont know if I should be doing more for biceps or not? I dont want to overtrain them and I have heard they wil grow just from doing back heavy. I really need to put some size on my calfs so any help there would be great.