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Thread: Cardio vs. Lifting

  1. #1

    Cardio vs. Lifting

    The other day I went to get a cardio stress test at the doctor's office. The nurse looked at me and figured since I look muscular that I'd be able to do at least 14 minutes on the treadmill with 3 minute intervals of increase in incline and speed. I told her, I'm not so sure... Ended up maxing out at 10:30. I was so winded it was crazy. I even had some PVC's in there. This was rated as "below average" for my age.

    This really got me thinking. I should do more cardio. I have never really done cardio before and I always got winded faster than my friends (but I was always stronger and bigger than my friends). This sucks. I'm concerned because my cardio is so bad I get winded doing anything really.

    How many of you do cardio and how has it affected your quality of life as opposed to just lifting? I'd like to start doing more cardio for health reasons. I suffer from high blood pressure and have been having arrythmias and palpitations in the past few months. I'd just like to get my heart healthy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At 53 and not driving a big truck any more.I have time to do cardio and the difference is nite n day.I deer hunt and before if I had to drag a deer.I was woreout.Now guys younger than me cant keep up.You need cardio to have a healthy heart.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I don't like to do cardio but I feel so much better after I do it. So for health reasons alone I do It.

  4. #4
    Cardio is good for the heart and really at the end of the day your heart strength is more important than any amount of weights you may be able to push up. I know a lot of bodybuilders think that cardio is catabolic but you'd be surprised at how much and how fast you will see your body benefit from increasing your aerobic capacity. You'll be able to go harder in the gym and on the track. Cardio should be a staple in anyone's workout routine. Just my opinion....

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