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Thread: who here has tried GHRP-2 ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    who here has tried GHRP-2 ??

    just wondering on who has used this and can you use it alone and will it give good results when used at a reasonable dose ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    not much different than ghrp-6

    and it takes months to see anything... but they do help.

    using it alone is pointless, save your money and buy need to run it with a GHRH if you want anything.. w/o DAC is widely preferred....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i hear it can give gaines run solo so that not true ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    GHRP basically magnifies your bodys natural GH pulse, you body only pulses certain periods of they day which you have no control over naturally. For you to guess that you are having a pulse is a lost cause. Unless you are having a pulse at that exact moment of you inj then what you just inj is pointless.

    GHRP will turn the pulse on in a sense, then the GHRP will magnify what is on.......

    as you can see alone is just a guess..............

    so yes.. it can cause gains.... if your physic or very lucky time after time.......

    really id just save your money.. unless buy a GHRH to run along side. which isnt any more expensive than what you have and they place where you got your -2 from should have some form of what you need. If you need help selecting one let me know what they have and ill help out in your selection

    3x ed MIN

    personally I dont like the -2 sides in comparison to -6 but that is personal preference.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    GHRP basically magnifies your bodys natural GH pulse, you body only pulses certain periods of they day which you have no control over naturally. For you to guess that you are having a pulse is a lost cause. Unless you are having a pulse at that exact moment of you inj then what you just inj is pointless.

    GHRP will turn the pulse on in a sense, then the GHRP will magnify what is on.......

    as you can see alone is just a guess..............

    so yes.. it can cause gains.... if your physic or very lucky time after time.......

    really id just save your money.. unless buy a GHRH to run along side. which isnt any more expensive than what you have and they place where you got your -2 from should have some form of what you need. If you need help selecting one let me know what they have and ill help out in your selection

    3x ed MIN

    personally I dont like the -2 sides in comparison to -6 but that is personal preference.
    I dont want to hijack so im going to start another thread as I have a few q's lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    so if i were to run ghrp-2 at 100mcg 3x a day what else would be a good idea to run with it so i can see beneficial gains ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hobnob
    so if i were to run ghrp-2 at 100mcg 3x a day what else would be a good idea to run with it so i can see beneficial gains ?
    mod grf 1-29 also at 100mcg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yes ^^^^^^

    or cjc1295 w/o DAC

  9. #9
    I prefer ipamorelin to the GHRP's, simply because the GHRP's make me so beyond hungry I could eat a pizza - cardboard box and all.

    3x a day at 100mcg, though, I definitely noticed some increased fat loss, faster recovery and major lethargy in the mornings. Strength went up, cardio was easier (especially if taken pre-cardio).

    Always utilized it without CJC, as I preferred controlling my GH spikes rather than sustaining a bleed type pattern. Cut back the lethargy immensely.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    GHRP-2 does not normally cause hunger issues. thats odd, ipam usually causes a lil...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    North East
    Lol at hunger being an "issue". I wish 5K was easy for me. Which one would be better for someone looking for hunger, 2 or 6?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    some people go over their cals/macros, eating in excess even when bulking if its too much can lead to the wrong weight gained.

    -6 would be better if you want to feel hungry

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