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Thread: HGH timing…EOD? Calling Experienced Members.

  1. #1

    HGH timing…EOD? Calling Experienced Members.

    I am considering cycling GH and Peptides every couple months to see how the effects differ. I am reading up on rHGH suppression of the pituitary and I am trying to minimize this as much as possible. When I was 8yrs younger, I tried 8ius of hyges eod. This was the protocol recommended from some respected members at the time for someone who was young. At 30yrs old, what would you guys suggest? I have read that max pituitary GH release suppression occurs 2-6hrs after exo GH injection and continues to suppress 12-16hrs later. I am thinking that the EOD protocol would be a safer way to keep from pounding y pituitary day after day. I am hesitant on ED dosing because I ended up on TRT because of a few cycles of testosterone and other steroids (with PCTs) so I want to leave my body within natural function as much as possible. These are the two protocols I am thinking of.

    7ius eod


    4ius ed 3 on 1 off

    Goals are to recover from nagging injuries, gain LBM, and lose BF. TRT dose is 100-150mg test cyp weekly.

    Will be using Riptropin or Kiefi blues.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Well....I would leave hgh alone at your age at this point and focus on your trt (and cycling if you still do). I understand nagging injuries, etc. but they just get worse as time goes on and hgh isn't a miracle drug that will heal everything (At least that isn't the case from my experience).
    It needs to be run long term (6 months min. in my opinion) to see results and that is running it 5 on 2 off. 4 ius wont do much in adding size but will shed fat. You will need to run hgh higher tan 4 ius to start adding lbm,your trt protocol would compliment this quite well. Most guys run hgh a minimum 5 on 2 off and would probably run it 7 days a week if it wasn't for the cost.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Well....I would leave hgh alone at your age at this point and focus on your trt (and cycling if you still do). I understand nagging injuries, etc. but they just get worse as time goes on and hgh isn't a miracle drug that will heal everything (At least that isn't the case from my experience).
    It needs to be run long term (6 months min. in my opinion) to see results and that is running it 5 on 2 off. 4 ius wont do much in adding size but will shed fat. You will need to run hgh higher tan 4 ius to start adding lbm,your trt protocol would compliment this quite well. Most guys run hgh a minimum 5 on 2 off and would probably run it 7 days a week if it wasn't for the cost.
    Thanks for the reply. Around the age of 30 is when you GH starts to decline so thanks for the concern but I will be going forward. I am looking for someone who is experienced in endo GH suppression and exo GH supplementation. Which protocol would be better…3on 1off, or eod high(er) IU dosing? I'm guessing that the EOD protocol would be less suppressive, but what are your thoughts on EOD results?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The trouble here is your not using real hgh its generic and doesn't contain any kind of active hgh anyway so advice is pointless, please find a source for pharm grade otherwise forget your gh protocol because it will be either peps, fake or some anti-diuretic hormone.

  5. #5
    lol, Marcus, I love you. I used to be around back in 2006 with a different handle. I understand that everyone here is getting scammed by China. I used to live in Shanghai so I have a little better idea of what goes on than most. The Rips, Keifi, and brown Hyges I would be getting are backed by countless individual batches of GH serum and IGF BW. However, the Keifi are inconsistently dosed so I will most likely be running rips. So lets say, hypothetically I get real GH. What are your thoughts?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    LOL you don't know than most, you need to get with whats happening and especially with blood work lol

    take some time and read this whole thread, it may take you a few days but it will educate you on a few things

  7. #7
    I read some of it but was impatient and didn't read it all……this could take a while.
    Last edited by NWIron; 09-16-2013 at 03:57 PM.

  8. #8
    Thoughts on Ansomone or Somatrope 15iu?
    Last edited by NWIron; 09-16-2013 at 05:24 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I had some fake pharmatropin kits.

  10. #10
    upon further investigation I decided against pharmatropin as an option….

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    it can be a crap shoot!

  12. #12
    God this shit is so frustrating now. Hyge's seem to be getting great GH serum tests….over 35-40. May try that route because the only HG HGH I can find is GenHeal which is just outrageous.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Welcome to the headaches of using hgh.

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