Soon I will be off of my 2nd cycle..
It is 10 weeks of tren ace, test ace, equipoise, sustanon..
I need an advice for bridging between cycles.. What to do? What to take? How long?
Soon I will be off of my 2nd cycle..
It is 10 weeks of tren ace, test ace, equipoise, sustanon..
I need an advice for bridging between cycles.. What to do? What to take? How long?
unless you're already on trt, it might be best to do your pct and let your system recover.
^^^this. At 23 if you're not on TRT, do a proper PCT and take the directed time off between cycles. There is no need to bridge between cycles especially at 23.Originally Posted by AD
Test ACE and sust??
So thread after thread you are advised to stop taking steroids because you lack proper nutrition and education. And not only are you continuing, you are wanting to cruise and then run another cycle. Seriously man.
Dude...you're being a numbskull. You should make sure you can afford a few years supply of Viagra or cialis. You'll need it once you eff yourself up.
^^^^Wow, haven't seen other threads.Originally Posted by Dante Diamond
OP, if you aren't going to listen to the advice already offered from members who have cycled longer and know more about anabolic safety and successful use, stop waisting our time.
take some creatine and arginine if you need something between
take some creatine and arginine if you need something between
Shit, I went this route - I'm 33 and I still think I started early
No going back after you dig deeper brotha
I started eating right and educated myself and still working on it while I'm on the rideOriginally Posted by Dante Diamond
I wish no one ever invented "bridgeing cycles" personal opinion
proper recovery is essential for maximum growth. Think future not now! a strong minded person and one who will succeed in the BB lifestyle will take the time to recover..
or you will end up like some of us and be on trt which has many downfalls...
we are only here to help
You don't need help to understand a bridge you need help designing a 2nd cycle because that's just crazy. Learn howto eat and train right then grow into your cycles.
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