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Thread: Need help with hgh and slin timing

  1. #1

    Need help with hgh and slin timing

    Hey guys, this is my first thread. I'm 5'9 220 lbs about 12% bf and 25 years old. I've ran 3 cycles and have ran these compounds: test, tren, dbol, drol, clen, sust (so basically, test) and I have ran a few ph's. I'm looking to do a serious cycle as I have done some research, but I'm really wanting to know your opinion on what time I should do certain injections. I want to try slin and gh for the first time and am very excited. I have gensci jintropin and humulin R. I want to start small on doses to see how my body reacts and adjust doses as needed. The cycle is as follows:

    Sust week 1-14
    Week 1-2 450 mgs
    Week 3-7 600 mgs
    Week 8-14 300 mgs

    Npp weeks 1-7 (2x) per week
    Week 1-3 400 mgs
    Week 4-7 500 mgs

    Dbol weeks 1-6
    Week 1-2 30 mgs
    Week 3-4 40 mgs
    Week 5-6 50 mgs

    Tren ace weeks 8-14 (4x) per week
    Week 8-9 300 mgs
    Week 10 400 mgs
    Week 11 500 mgs
    Week 12-14 600 mgs

    Eq weeks 6-14 (2x) per week
    Weeks 8-10 300 mgs
    Week 11-14 400 mgs

    Mast weeks 8-14 (4x) per week
    Week 8-10 300 mgs
    Week 11-14 400 mgs

    Drol week 8-11 (if needed)
    50-100 mgs

    And I want to do slin week 1-5
    Week 1 3ius
    Week 2 4 ius
    Week 3 5ius
    Week 4-5 6 ius

    And jintropin week 1-25
    I'm going to start low (2ius per day) and go up to 6 ius per day max. I'm going to hit IM hgh shots on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and none on Thursday, I will do it on Friday Saturday, and none on Sunday so that is 5 times per week. ( I will adjust this as needed)

    Oh, and I'm going to hit the slin 4 days per week (will adjust that as needed)

    Also will run arim. .25 mg eod (will adjust as needed)

    And I will also run t4 100 mcg per day with hgh

    What I believe I need help on is the timing of the injections. Also please critique the cycle as needed. Thanks guys. I'm very excited to run this cycle!

  2. #2
    3 ius is fine split injections up with higher dosages. Also, watch out for carpal tunnel i get it at 6 ius. Higher dosages run 2 to maybe 3 ius. I would say keep test where it's at and see how you feel I like how you ease off by tapering down . I would use eq for at least 10 weeks overlapping with teen was good. Also I like runing low drol low drol for longer. Just my 2cents

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