Wondering what some of you have liked and disliked about npp. What were your doses and what did you stack it with?
I've actually never ran deca and was considering adding npp to my test and eq bulk cycle. May or may not.
Wondering what some of you have liked and disliked about npp. What were your doses and what did you stack it with?
I've actually never ran deca and was considering adding npp to my test and eq bulk cycle. May or may not.
NPP/Prop was a really good combo. It was painless (relatively) and gave good bulk with little acne (each of you will be slightly different). My joints felt good too. I took 300mg/wk Test and 300mg/wk of NPP.
wish I could use it. I did 3X in my 20's and it was great but now if I just look at deca I feel like crap with no libido, which kinda ruins it 4 me. I would prefer a masteron/test so I keep feeling good.
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