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Thread: Trouble shaping and getting away from the power lifter look. large muscle no seperati

  1. #1

    Trouble shaping and getting away from the power lifter look. large muscle no seperati

    Hi All,

    Need some advise, my body has horrible reaction to changes in work outs and I look big but not defined, been trying different work outs and meal plans. Gear of Test and Cutting blend.

    Please let me know if you have seen this before and any recommendations.

    Also an old ma 46yr but gym 5 days a week grinding it out


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Weight height, etc?

    Definition follows bodyfat

    Bodyfat follows diet and cardio.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by WiseguyBX View Post
    Hi All,

    Need some advise, my body has horrible reaction to changes in work outs and I look big but not defined, been trying different work outs and meal plans. Gear of Test and Cutting blend.

    Please let me know if you have seen this before and any recommendations.

    Also an old ma 46yr but gym 5 days a week grinding it out

    Welcome to the forum. I'm late 50's and for most of my life, I was a power lifter. Several years ago, I was exactly where you're at. I was big and round and middle aged. I wanted to change my look and my training. I started to lift like a body builder instead of a weight lifter. The biggest changes was my diet. I ate like a body builder (controlled macros, 6 meals a day) instead of a weight lifter (eat everything in sight). I also started running cutting cycles rather than bulking cycles. My favorite cycle is Test/Mast. It takes a while but I still look like my avatar. Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by WiseguyBX View Post
    Hi All,

    Need some advise, my body has horrible reaction to changes in work outs and I look big but not defined, been trying different work outs and meal plans. Gear of Test and Cutting blend.

    Please let me know if you have seen this before and any recommendations.

    Also an old ma 46yr but gym 5 days a week grinding it out

    Definitely clean up your diet. Rice, beans, good carbohydrates, salads, lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and grains. And the only way for it to work is be consistent with your diet. Do HIIT training and also traditional cardiovascular training. I wouldn't worry too much about the heavy weights. If you've been doing it awhile keep doing that but work with other training ranges like 8-12 reps 12-15 reps 15-20 reps 20-30 reps and then higher when you have better muscle endurance-work up to to it. Look into crossfit also. Include variety also.

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