Currently on tren a and test prop. Sides are little to none. Initially I had some bacne but I adjusted my dex dose and included a low dose of zinc. I get a little moody at times but nothing I can't handle and usually only when I'm really hungry lol.
I'm in the last couple weeks of my 8 week cycle. The gains are still coming. I actually took the last week off from lifting because I was traveling, but I still stuck with my dosing as usual.
Here's my questions:
I have started experiences strange sides in the past week while not lifting, my legs are in pain. Every muscle is achy. On top of that my biceps seem to tighten up/cramp if I hold something for too long. Any idea how to remedy this? Is this a common side with tren?
Next question: How often do you guys go beyond 8 weeks? I have enough of everything to continue if I want to and the gains seem to still be coming. I have hcg, dex, tren and test to carry me.