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Thread: Need advice / tips on my work out routine.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Need advice / tips on my work out routine.

    I'm not a serious body builder I'm pretty new to this, I work out every second day, 10 minutes of intense cardio, use an ab machine 12 kg 3 sets of 15 reps, shoulder press 73 kg 3 X 15, bicep machine 27 kg 3 X 10, flat bench press 45 kg 3 X 5, I'm pretty dense about what I should be doing besides the bench press I do everything in rotation instead of one machine at a time, the only part of me that seems to be getting bigger is my shoulders where as I want improvement in my chest bicep area, can you guys help me with what I should be doing?

  2. #2
    First thing, use dumbbells instead of machines.

    Also, learn how to bench press with proper form, I can bet my eye teeth your laying completely flat on the bench which is wrong. You need a nice lower back arch be back a bit and you want to be pressing off the top of your shoulders bringing the bar down to about your nipples keeping the elbows tight to your lats hands about shoulder-width apart

    I can guarantee you at 15 kg on your workout with proper form and also stop the circuit rotation with exercises, bring every exercise front-and-center and complete all sets and Reps at once instead of moving from Station to Station to complete your workout it's hard to bring your muscles to True failure and isolate movements when you're doing circuit training Style other than that just add some variety mix it up a bit and concentrate on the negatives

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    I'm not a serious body builder I'm pretty new to this, I work out every second day, 10 minutes of intense cardio, use an ab machine 12 kg 3 sets of 15 reps, shoulder press 73 kg 3 X 15, bicep machine 27 kg 3 X 10, flat bench press 45 kg 3 X 5, I'm pretty dense about what I should be doing besides the bench press I do everything in rotation instead of one machine at a time, the only part of me that seems to be getting bigger is my shoulders where as I want improvement in my chest bicep area, can you guys help me with what I should be doing?
    I would suggest you define exactly what it is you want (decrease body fat, retain lean muscle, lean up; increase muscle mass; etc.), then repost with your specific goals. What you want will determine what routine(s) would work best for you (toning, building mass, leaning out/cutting, etc.).
    Additionally, it will help if you develop the mindset that although you may want certain body parts improved, balance is important and it's important to work all muscle groups regardless of your end goal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cheers guys, can you write me a full dumb bell work out?, just want to build my arms and chest.

  5. #5
    Flat dumbell bench 4 sets 8-12 reps
    Incline DB bench 4 sets 8_12 reps
    Decline DB bench 4 sets 8-12
    Flat DB fly 4 sets 8-12

    Alternating hammer curls 4 sets to failure
    Concentration curls 4 sets 8-10 reps concentrating on negative
    Ez bar "21's" 3 sets
    Reverse straight barbell curls 3 sets 15 reps

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thank you for the info couch had to watch a few YouTube videos, I'm going to try this program today.

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