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Thread: testosterone level

  1. #1

    Angry testosterone level

    this post is about my friend who is currently doing 500mg test/week now for almost 8 weeks.... yesterday he has done blood test for total testosterone serum and in report he has test level of 900 ng/dl which is very low as mine on same dose of test was 2600ng/dl...........i gave him the same pharma product which i have used
    actually someone else is pinning him ...that person works in a private clinic and many steroid users goes to him for it possible that person test level differs on synthetic test usage (what i think is not possible as using synthetic test) or he is stealing his ampules and injecting him fake stuff and selling my friends legit stuff to someone else..(which i think,,he is 100%)as my friend complained me that many times he didnt feel test oil going in his ass and no after pain....

    product is in ampules form and 100% legit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    If it's not bought in pharmacy it's never 100% sure, then again labs can also make mistakes.

  3. #3
    Most ampules are pretty legit. Tell your friend to watch the nurse open, draw, and pin from the ampule. 900 does seem a little low for a 500mg/wk cycle.

  4. #4
    so now he has 6 ampules left to complete 12 week what could be his options now to run whatever is left and start pct or buy new test ampules and extend the cycle for more weeks....

  5. #5
    Run the rest of the ampules and PCT. Your friend can always run another cycle in the future.

  6. #6
    Okay I decided the same to end with leftover and start new own pinning cycle after proper recovery

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