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Thread: D-bol by Denkall

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    D-bol by Denkall

    Hope someone can help me out here!?

    I just picked up some Denkall D-bol capsules in Mexico on Saturday. They were packaged in foil packs with 12 to a pack. They were in a box that indicated there were 100 per box when in reality there are only 96 per box!? They are marked on the box to be 10mg per capsule. Have any of you ever encountered or used these?

    Two nightmares occured today. I had also purchased a 50ml bottle of Fort Dodge Equipose. . .as my wife was packing it for the border crossing she dropped it. . .yes. . .it shattered. . .grrrrr I had to drop another $80. Then. . .on the way back home on the U.S. side we were pulled over and searched very hard by Customs. . .big scare. . .very lucky! They were just doing their job but. . .should be looking for cocaine, grass, heroin, meth, etc., and leave us alone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i used denkalls d

    they're good.if i can find my old box i'll scan and post it

  3. #3
    unsure about the dbol,bro but soory for your loss w/eq.
    customs can be scarry mofos,try to stay calm,nervousness is a dead give away.i know its hard but they will tear you apart even if you just look nervous.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Denkall D-bol

    Yes dude your shit is real. I bought a pack of Denkall D-bol 96 capsules saturday too. Me and my bros got sick of waiting for our orals to arrive and just bought a weeks supply for the 3 of us down in TJ. Started my cycle last night. Tried out the d-bol before the workout, took 40mg, man what a pump. It's good shit. But we did get pulled into an alley by 3 cops on the way back, they frisked us down and then said "ok usa" and we went about our way.

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