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Thread: The family jewels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Fort Worth Tx

    The family jewels

    I was wondernig, while on a cycle involving test, and decca do your nuts actaully shrink much like the assoiation with streroids everyone that everyone thinks is true says so? also what are the chances of becomming infertile, i wanna have kids someday hopefully, obviously becoming unfertile and my nuts shrinking are risks im completely willing to take, but i was just wondring if anyone could elaborate on this subject somewhat if they have time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yes they do..They shut down your natural test production which can cause the testies to shrink..It varies between people as many guys say they never have that problem yet many other do. I know a lot of people have have used steroids and had perfectly healthy babies and even had kids while on them.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Your nuts shrink but they come back when you come off. Clomid speeds up the recovery. Your sperm count decreases when on juice but that comes back up too... I think.

    The chances of infertility grow with long cycles and years of experience but I'd assume its different for each person. That is purley an assumption.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Your nuts will shrink. Clomid will help on the way out. The nuts come back. Watch out though. If you don't want your girl to know don't let her see them. My chick started getting suspicious when my muscles got bigger and my sack got smaller. Kinda hard to hide your balls from your girlfriend. Chance you got to take.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Originally posted by THE JU-ICE
    Kinda hard to hide your balls from your girlfriend. Chance you got to take.
    Especially if they spend any amount of time on her chin.

  6. #6
    what do you mean ,nuts.
    oh you mean those tic-tacs that dangle under your unit.hehehe
    say good bye to them for a while

  7. #7
    I take 50mg clomid eod while on a cycle and while I'm sure the count lowered they didn't shrink noticably. You can also Take 5000iu's of HCG in the middle of your cycle and that will trick then into starting again, but temporarily until your off completely. I use HCG when I start my clomid and even though on some cycles I don't need it it still get everything back to normal. Just remember with HCG to run an anti estrogen with it cause it aromatizes into estrogen very quickley. Peace...

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