Has anyone seen this?
Has anyone seen this?
shi tty
****, he is one of the greats. Sorry to hear what kinda position he's in.
Wonder what happened to him.. interesting
Yeah, this was posted a couple of weeks ago. Sad story.
Interesting read to say the least.
good read...
Tom Prince also posted a article in this months FLEX about his steriod use... read up
I really hope it's NOT surprising to many people that the pros have/do use AAS......do some think they got all that ripped muscle from cell tech and nitro tech.Originally Posted by bigol'legs
Originally Posted by bornbad71
they us AAS?
LOL..it's terrible... I heard flex looks like a normal guy now with a gut, I'll try to dig up pictures, I heard him and dorian yates joined the big ole "GH" belly club...
I actualy Heard Dorian yates its still a preatty big boy
and flex was defiantly one of my favs.
truly sad. Hope he will be ok.
Originally Posted by bigol'legs
this cannot be tru.. i read in the mags that they dont..
Well im suprised how others arent having severe problems yet either. Almost hard to believe guys like coleman and ruhl are staying out of the hospital . there not as young as they used to and they keep getting freakier and freakier. I guess its like people who smoke, some will live for ever some will die young.
A sad story. I only hope hes okay
That def sucks... It is sad to read something like that about one of the great ones in bodybuilding..
Well I may get flamed for this but I feel bad for Flex as far as the disease of his kidneys but by taking extraordinary amounts of oral and injectible AS thats the price you pay. Yeah you can say a doc probally followed his lab work and so on and son on, but too much of anything isnt good. I personally thank this site and most of it's members because before diving into the AS world I have learned of the side effects and risks. Granted I am not interested im becoming the next Mr. O but just improving my body a bit more. There are many many people who do not get a yearly physical and a full workup after each cycle, thats crazy if you ask me. Don't just get you test levels checked, hell if there gonna draw blood ask your doc for a full workup. Enough ranting, hope Flex gets better.
$10,000 to prep for one show?! no wonder I'm not a pro!
def sucks, I wish him the best of luck.
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