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Thread: Showers And Locker Rooms

  1. #1

    Showers And Locker Rooms

    Hey sup guys.i know alot of you work at in the gym and might hit the showers afterwards..but have you ever been in the shower and seen a guy checking you out..or looking at your penis or butt...or someone getting "excited" while in the shower with you..what would you do..or what have you done..would you kinda entertain it..or get pissed and walk out..or confront them..or had a guy try and hit on you in the locker room..would you just play on it for fun..or get upset..share your locker room stories..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    ask DSM.

  3. #3
    so u never caught someone looking at u a lil to hard in the locker room

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have noticed, I dont worry much about it though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    Hey sup guys.i know alot of you work at in the gym and might hit the showers afterwards..but have you ever been in the shower and seen a guy checking you out..or looking at your penis or butt...or someone getting "excited" while in the shower with you..what would you do..or what have you done..would you kinda entertain it..or get pissed and walk out..or confront them..or had a guy try and hit on you in the locker room..would you just play on it for fun..or get upset..share your locker room stories..
    Wow you're really getting into details...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Too many gay threads lately.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Love the way he hasn't said 'i nearly punched him' but is asking for advice on how to proceed..

    A wink and a pink carnation

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    so u never caught someone looking at u a lil to hard in the locker room
    so apparently you checking out their penis to notice it was hard.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I'm gay and I would get mad as hell if that ever happened to me, I'd probably tell him wtf is he doing. The gym is not meant to be some stupid gay brothel, do that shit in your own house. There's children who use the showers ffs!!! Anyone who wants to get freaky in public is not right in the head.

    why are you even asking this?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    Hey sup guys.i know alot of you work at in the gym and might hit the showers afterwards..but have you ever been in the shower and seen a guy checking you out..or looking at your penis or butt...or someone getting "excited" while in the shower with you..what would you do..or what have you done..would you kinda entertain it..or get pissed and walk out..or confront them..or had a guy try and hit on you in the locker room..would you just play on it for fun..or get upset..share your locker room stories..
    We don't need to know about your sexually fantasy's here.

  11. #11
    not a fantasy..i just notice a older guy looking at me a lil to hard..and i seen he was playing with himself..but turned out to be a sex offender..which was made me really uncomfortable..because he was in there again next wek,,you know that letter with the list and faces on the flyer of the new sex offender in your neighbirhood..he was on there...i reported him to the gym..cuz there was lil kids in there also..i felt a lil bad.but i mean this dude was playing with him self in the shower..and i know y'll cant be know when some one looking at you a lil to hard..i ask that not in a gay way..but just from an incident that happen to me at the gym..the old guys are a lil bad sometimes to..but i just ignore it..not turn on..or amused by that in anyway,,just askig if you might had some one cross the line in the locker room...b/c i know some so called hard, jocks..that sometimes pretend the not looking but they are..
    Last edited by kappaboy06; 04-27-2008 at 11:32 AM.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    not a fantasy..i just notice a older guy looking at me a lil to hard..and i seen he was playing with himself..but turned out to be a sex offender..which was made me really uncomfortable..because he was in there again next wek,,you know that letter with the list and faces on the flyer of the new sex offender in your neighbirhood..he was on there...i reported him to the gym..cuz there was lil kids in there also..i felt a lil bad.but i mean this dude was playing with him self in the shower..and i know y'll cant be know when some one looking at you a lil to hard..i ask that not in a gay way..but just from an incident that happen to me at the gym..the old guys are a lil bad sometimes to..but i just ignore it..not turn on..or amused by that in anyway,,just askig if you might had some one cross the line in the locker room...b/c i know some so called hard, jocks..that sometimes pretend the not looking but they are..
    I would be more worried about being about to complete a sentence than what some old guy is staring at.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 04-27-2008 at 11:42 AM.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The South
    everything you have posted has been stupid as hell since you joined. Do you not get enough attention at home?

  15. #15
    whats stupid..about it..someone looking to hard at u in the shower..oh wait..u saying that ..i suppose to het mad..dude get real..i was just trying to see have any ever experience i dont get enough attention..i live on a farm..where there one stop light and sto meeeeeeeee

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    whats stupid..about it..someone looking to hard at u in the shower..oh wait..u saying that ..i suppose to het mad..dude get real..i was just trying to see have any ever experience i dont get enough attention..i live on a farm..where there one stop light and sto meeeeeeeee
    Can you tell me what language this is? I'm going to use a translator.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The South

  18. #18
    This is one interesting thread....

    I don't want in on this argument that is 'a brewin' so I'm just not gonna add anything...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In a van by the river
    Take a shower at home then.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    get over your self dude

  21. #21
    I can definitely tell you are gay and want to come out.....just be happy with who you are Carl Lewis.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    I think you're lieing. You mentioned you lived in a farm. I'm sure if you're way out in the country you don't have to worry about a huge gym close bye or having farmers weight lift around you.

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    Hey sup guys.i know alot of you work at in the gym and might hit the showers afterwards..but have you ever been in the shower and seen a guy checking you out..or looking at your penis or butt...or someone getting "excited" while in the shower with you..what would you do..or what have you done..would you kinda entertain it..or get pissed and walk out..or confront them..or had a guy try and hit on you in the locker room..would you just play on it for fun..or get upset..share your locker room stories..
    I think you should get your jack off material else where.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    whats stupid..about it..someone looking to hard at u in the shower..oh wait..u saying that ..i suppose to het mad..dude get real..i was just trying to see have any ever experience i dont get enough attention..i live on a farm..where there one stop light and sto meeeeeeeee

    Don't take everything personally, learn from your mistakes. I think your initial intention of this post is quite obvious due to the wording you used, people are probably more observant than you think. Also it would be better better on the eyes if you spell words correctly and used punctuation.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kappaboy06 View Post
    whats stupid..about it..someone looking to hard at u in the shower..oh wait..u saying that ..i suppose to het mad..dude get real..i was just trying to see have any ever experience i dont get enough attention..i live on a farm..where there one stop light and sto meeeeeeeee
    And 200 sheep that keep you real happy ?

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