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Thread: Ready To Go! Check Me Out

  1. #1

    Ready To Go! Check Me Out

    well i think im about ready to start . ive been researching and all you guys helped me out , just check this and help me out wit a couple questions!

    *sust250 every 4 days for 8 weeks
    *dbol....20mg every day for first 4 weeks to kickstart my cycle

    *i will have about 90 clomid and 1 package of nolva.

    im goin to get some arimidex and take 1 pill everyday wit the dbols? is that takin it because i dont want to be bloated... now my other ques. is when should i take arimidex? wit the dbols? or what

    ill probably have milk thistle too...lookin to gain 15+lbs! thanx for all ur help!

  2. #2
    just sus & d-bol? first off, many people will tell you to up the d-bol, and throw something in with the sus. you won't need 90 clomid unless you're taking 1 a day throughout your cycle. post-cycle clomid therapy calls for about 25 - 35, depending on how you do it.

  3. #3
    sugesstions on my cycle?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    What do you want to acheive?

    Do you want to add some size? and how much?
    Or do you want to cut up and look lean?
    Do you want to increase your strength for a particular sport?

    Fill us in!

  5. #5
    WELL i want to gain 20 lbs of lean.... i just wanna look bigger for the summer...hehe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Then how about something like this!

    Week 1-4 30-40 mgs/day d-bol
    Week 1-10 5oomgs/week sus
    Week 1-10 400-600mgs/week of Deca or EQ
    Srart clomid 3 weeks after last sus shot. 300mgs first day , then 100mgs for 10 days,then 50 mgs for 10 days.
    Add some clen at week 11 if you can, and run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off etc...

  7. #7


    thanx for suggestion but being its my first cycle im goin to go wit only 2 AS. its either sust/dbol or sust/deca.. and plus i only weigh 145 i think wit that combo either one ill grow like a weed... i just want keepable hard gains

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: mallet

    Originally posted by xlegend
    thanx for suggestion but being its my first cycle im goin to go wit only 2 AS. its either sust/dbol or sust/deca.. and plus i only weigh 145 i think wit that combo either one ill grow like a weed... i just want keepable hard gains
    The dbol is a kick start. You will gain fast on it, but you will also lose some of it when you stop taking it.

    Stacking another compound wouldn't hurt. Personally, I am a fan of equipoise, it has little if any sides, adds quality muscle, and makes you feel good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    decca d-bol sust

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