22%bf not to sure?
fourth cycle
TTokyko (sus) 1-10 weeks
upjohn (Halotestin) ???
TTokyko (EQ) ???
help me?
goals to gain lean muscle
22%bf not to sure?
fourth cycle
TTokyko (sus) 1-10 weeks
upjohn (Halotestin) ???
TTokyko (EQ) ???
help me?
goals to gain lean muscle
how about replacing the HALO with it at 40mg a day for 1st 4 weeks....
I agree, I know halo gives awesome strength increases, but IMO not worth the toxic levels to your kidney & liver, plus the rage is wild...I know it's in your head, but some of the powerlifters I lift with are fucking animals when on and I don't even want to be near them & I'm 228lbs 5'11. Go with dbol!![]()
will the D-Bol help me put on size, cause I don't need that.
keep my strenght and keep my body mass down.
6'2 290 and you're doing ANOTHER cycle? Wouldn't you want to do a cutting cycle?
dieselpower, you have 2 options with the halo's!
You can either take them for the first 4 weeks to kick start your cycle or the last 4 weeks to harden up!
Week 1-4 halo 40mgs/day
Week 1-10 sus 750mgs/week
Week 1-10 EQ 600mgs/week
Take arimidex .5 a day for 10 weeks to keep the bloating down.
A good addition to this would be to add winnie and/or prop at week 11-13 and then start your clomid 3 days after your last intake.if not you'll have to start clomid 3 weeks after your last sus shot.but you already know that?
If you want you can cut the sus back to 500mgs/week if you like, but at 290lbs 750mgs sounds more like it !I'm just under 260lbs and i'm running 750mgs/week of sus and 600mgs/week of EQ and lovin it!
Are you going to be doing any cardio? what's the diet going to look like? low carbs, high carbs?
I hate you big bastards!
Originally posted by Gettin Stupid
6'2 290 and you're doing ANOTHER cycle? Wouldn't you want to do a cutting cycle?
I totally agree with you. I am looking for a cycle that will lean me out, thats why I was asking about the D-Bol?!??
Originally posted by G Child
I hate you big bastards!
Don't hate player hate the game LOL
your just more ripped up then me.
I was thinking of taking(SUS) 250mg for three weeks then week 4-7 500mg then down to 250mg, or should I take it 500mg- 750mg for the whole ten weeks?
2nd Question,
is it worth taking Haloestin? Price? how many?
3rd Question
I love taking winny-V, I might take it for week 6 through week 10.
Low carbs, cardio for 3 times a weeks??
how does that sound??
is there anything I should add???
thanks for your help
Last edited by Dieselpower; 01-31-2002 at 10:50 PM.
There's no need to pyramid the sus, or taper at the end. sus is self tapering.
Halo's are a bit expensive, but they won't make you hold any water like d-bol will, but if you take arimidex with the d-bol it should control most of the bloating.
Adding the winnie is a great idea from week 7-13 then you can start your clomid sooner, if you stop taking sus and EQ at week 10, and take winnie till week 13 you can start clomid 3 days after your last winnie intake.I would add clen to this stack and then your good to go.
That's what I wanted to hear. perfect stack, could you or anyone else on the boards tell another cutting stack that will help me.
thanks for all your advise,
It depends on what you have access to?
Fina,prop,winnie,EQ,test,masteron,var,clen,T3,etc. ..
all of that.
test 250mg weeks 1-12
tren ace100 mg ED weeks 1-10
winny 50 mg ED weeks 1-6
winny 100 mg ED weeks 6-12
ox 40-70 mg ED weeks 10-14
halo 25mg ED weeks 10-14
tren no-ester 100 mg ED weeks 10-14
week 15 post cycle recovery
might want to bridge with ox or dbol post cycle
Boy that's alot of 17a![]()
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