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Thread: Spinal damage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing

    Spinal damage

    Got my MRI results reviewed by my ortho. As it turns out I have a bulger at L-3, and the fluids in L-4 and L-5 have drained and they are begining to collapse. Doc isn't advising surgery yet because of my age but it looks like it will be innevitable at some point. **** genetics(my mother has had almost the exact problem since she was in her ealry 20's)
    Heading into get epideral shots for pain this week. He put me on valium and vicodin for pain and muscle relaxation. I doubt I'll use those though. I can't stand pain med "feel". He gave me another kind of muscle relaxer I havn't heard of in addition to the above that doesn't caue drowsiness so hopefully it will do the trick. I'm also going to try and get another script of naproxen from my GP.
    No deadlifts for Pheedno and I'm cutting squatting down to 1 set of 20 with very light weight(1plate lol) if it's bearable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    sucks bro is there anything else you can do for it maybe strengthen the muscle around the area

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Got my MRI results reviewed by my ortho. As it turns out I have a bulger at L-3, and the fluids in L-4 and L-5 have drained and they are begining to collapse. Doc isn't advising surgery yet because of my age but it looks like it will be innevitable at some point. **** genetics(my mother has had almost the exact problem since she was in her ealry 20's)
    Heading into get epideral shots for pain this week. He put me on valium and vicodin for pain and muscle relaxation. I doubt I'll use those though. I can't stand pain med "feel". He gave me another kind of muscle relaxer I havn't heard of in addition to the above that doesn't caue drowsiness so hopefully it will do the trick. I'm also going to try and get another script of naproxen from my GP.
    No deadlifts for Pheedno and I'm cutting squatting down to 1 set of 20 with very light weight(1plate lol) if it's bearable.

    Check out these two sites, I ruptured a disc in my lower back, about 4 months ago hurt like a bitch, and after a couple of months of treatment, I was feeling a lot better, with no epidurals or surgery. I now have no pain, and I am back lifting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12

    Check out these two sites, I ruptured a disc in my lower back, about 4 months ago hurt like a bitch, and after a couple of months of treatment, I was feeling a lot better, with no epidurals or surgery. I now have no pain, and I am back lifting.

    Thanks bro, I'll check them out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Thanks bro, I'll check them out
    At first I really doubted that it was helping, but after the first couple of weeks, I was a believer. It isn’t a quick fix but it helped me with out surgery or epidurals.

    The treatments, last 30 min, and I went for 7 weeks 3 times a week. The machine attaches to your body, at your waist, with a large belt, and around your shoulders with another belt. The attachment at your shoulders is fixed to the machine, and the attachment at your waist is attached to a pulley, which pulls to 1/2 your body weight for 60 seconds, and the releases for 30 seconds, it repeats this cycle for 30 min. The table that you are lying on can also be manipulated to adjust the angle in which the machine pulls or decompresses the disc to target the particular disc in question. The theory is that during the treatment your disc will be decompressed for 20 min., and during that time it will be allowed to heal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    sorry to hear that pheedno, if theres anything i can do let me know. DD

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    shyt bro thats no fun... I have had back problems all my life, its no fun at all. Keep the faith bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Got my MRI results reviewed by my ortho. As it turns out I have a bulger at L-3, and the fluids in L-4 and L-5 have drained and they are begining to collapse. Doc isn't advising surgery yet because of my age but it looks like it will be innevitable at some point. **** genetics(my mother has had almost the exact problem since she was in her ealry 20's)
    Heading into get epideral shots for pain this week. He put me on valium and vicodin for pain and muscle relaxation. I doubt I'll use those though. I can't stand pain med "feel". He gave me another kind of muscle relaxer I havn't heard of in addition to the above that doesn't caue drowsiness so hopefully it will do the trick. I'm also going to try and get another script of naproxen from my GP.
    No deadlifts for Pheedno and I'm cutting squatting down to 1 set of 20 with very light weight(1plate lol) if it's bearable.
    This is sad news bro. You're one of my oldest "friends" on this board. This bugs me to hear that you're in pain and suffering. I'm always here for you bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    sorry about your news...that sucks bro. I dunno if this helps ya at all, but dont bother getting a script for naproxen. Just get some Aleve from the pharmacy. It's OTC, same active ingredient but just a little less of it. Take a few . sorry if you already knew that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    that sucks Pheed, hope you feel better and see you busting it in the gym

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    dam, that sucks... we'll work around the squats and get you some more leg size

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctaBig
    sorry about your news...that sucks bro. I dunno if this helps ya at all, but dont bother getting a script for naproxen. Just get some Aleve from the pharmacy. It's OTC, same active ingredient but just a little less of it. Take a few . sorry if you already knew that.

    I get 100% reimbursment for all my script meds so it's cheaper to go that route.

    Thanks to all for the kind words.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    deff do something about that pheed. i ruptured the lumbar disc between my shoulder blades and i never let it heal right and now i live with it everyday and i am only 26 god help when i am 56

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Pheedno, just curious, the pain you it in the lower back or does it travel down to the leg/legs as well? I was wondering because I've lower back problems as well and currently I think my siatic nerve is agrivated and was curious if it could be tied in with the bulging disks in my spin. I scared too death about have any surgery on my spin. Seems once you have one surgery you end up with more later on down the road.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggy Snout
    Pheedno, just curious, the pain you it in the lower back or does it travel down to the leg/legs as well? I was wondering because I've lower back problems as well and currently I think my siatic nerve is agrivated and was curious if it could be tied in with the bulging disks in my spin. I scared too death about have any surgery on my spin. Seems once you have one surgery you end up with more later on down the road.

    My problem directly affected my Sciatic nerve; the toes on both of my feet are numb, as well as the top of my left foot, so yes it does.

    The way the Dr. explained it to me, which ever nerve exits the spine at the bulging or ruptured disc will be affected. The severity of the damage depends on how long the pressure is on the particular nerve.

    My Dr told me that if I ever felt like my legs were weakening, to immediately let him know, because that could lead to my legs becoming paralyzed, and that he would have to do surgery immediately.
    Last edited by Bigen12; 10-14-2004 at 09:56 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    good luck bro, i injured that area when i was in the army, takes a while and alot of care to heal there..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    cAnAdA, EH
    Hope you get feelin better soon man. My father herniated a few discs in his lower back about 6-10 years ago. He's never been right since. Then a couple of years ago the discs in his neck started de-generating. Has to be a genetic thing for him. Fortunately fro me he is my step-father. I hope and prey I never have to go through anything like that. I hope you make it through man. Keep your spirits up!! Keep us posted!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    pheedno, I've had 3 surgeries on the back bro. Really sucks. Last was a full fusion
    from s-1,L-5,L-4. Doing better now than I have in years. I'm 40 now and feeling great. Big keys- stretch hamstrings everyday, keep stomach strong and adjust yor work-outs to keep direct pressure off the area. Feel free to message me if there is
    anything I can do to help. BE CAREFUL. Gettin the crap I had REALLY blows.
    Good news is you can still train like a viking with a little care.
    Good Luck Bro.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    sorry to hear that bro, good luck and best wishes.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dam brutha.. that's a rough deck you've been dealt...
    Good luck in the coming months, and best regards...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Any update on this Pheedno? I have the exact same problem (buldged disc l4 - l5 area) and was curious as to what you did how you adjusted your workouts and if its getting better....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sorry to hear this man. Its a good idea to stay away from the pain killers, like you said. If he prescribed flexiral (spelling) it is a good muscle relaxer with no drowiness and crappy feelings. Hope all works out

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Got my MRI results reviewed by my ortho. As it turns out I have a bulger at L-3, and the fluids in L-4 and L-5 have drained and they are begining to collapse. Doc isn't advising surgery yet because of my age but it looks like it will be innevitable at some point. **** genetics(my mother has had almost the exact problem since she was in her ealry 20's)
    Heading into get epideral shots for pain this week. He put me on valium and vicodin for pain and muscle relaxation. I doubt I'll use those though. I can't stand pain med "feel". He gave me another kind of muscle relaxer I havn't heard of in addition to the above that doesn't caue drowsiness so hopefully it will do the trick. I'm also going to try and get another script of naproxen from my GP.
    No deadlifts for Pheedno and I'm cutting squatting down to 1 set of 20 with very light weight(1plate lol) if it's bearable.
    Holy ****....this is my life. I have a bulger at L4-L5 and my mother has the same. I have had two epiderals, try not to get too many of those they cause a great deal of scar tissue. I have had 2 years of PT and the first thing they had me do was throw my weight belt in the trash, wearing a weight belt is the worst thing you can do to an already weakened and injured back. The epidurals are scary and you might not be able to move one or both of your legs for an hour or so.....Good Luck bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by gya321
    Sorry to hear this man. Its a good idea to stay away from the pain killers, like you said. If he prescribed flexiral (spelling) it is a good muscle relaxer with no drowiness and crappy feelings. Hope all works out
    One of the sides of flexiril is gyno. Stay away from that sh1t

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    Pheedno, just curious, the pain you it in the lower back or does it travel down to the leg/legs as well? I was wondering because I've lower back problems as well and currently I think my siatic nerve is agrivated and was curious if it could be tied in with the bulging disks in my spin. I scared too death about have any surgery on my spin. Seems once you have one surgery you end up with more later on down the road.
    Just out of curiosity , when you are seated can you fully extend both of your legs and raise them without feeling a great deal of pain ?

    I have pain that goes from my lower spine , my right ass cheek , down to my hamstring . I am not sure what it is , but I've had it for months now .

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
    Just out of curiosity , when you are seated can you fully extend both of your legs and raise them without feeling a great deal of pain ?

    I have pain that goes from my lower spine , my right ass cheek , down to my hamstring . I am not sure what it is , but I've had it for months now .
    Sounds like what I've got Gor. I've put up with it for such a long time now I'm heading to the doc to confirm what I think it is and hopefully he can help me out. I'm under the impression it's my syatic nerve...but I'm not a doc so I really don't know. Everyones been telling me to streach and it'll help but I can streach the hell out of my muscles and there is still no relief. It's not bad all the time but the moment I add some weight to my lifts it'll flare up......and I can feel the pain all the time otherwise just not as bad.

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